Status Bar

Information displayed on the status bar.

The Status Bar

The Status Bar is located at the bottom left-corner of the screen and can be used for the following purposes:

  • to display brief information relating to a specific icon or menu item

  • to show the progress of commands

  • to display/set the position of the mouse in XYZ space in the currently open file

  • to display if a command is currently running

  • to show the read status of the currently open file

  • to see/set numlock, scroll lock and caps lock statuses.

  • to view the viewplane distance between subsequent mouse clicks.

  • to view the current azimuth and dip values of the last clicked point.

  • to pick a custom cursor for use in the primary 3D window.

The Status Bar is available in all windows.

More detailed information on some of the Status Bar zones:

  • Messages

    This read-only area displays prompt information when running commands, and provides information about the menu item or icon directly under the cursor (for icons, a tooltip will also be displayed).

  • Cursor Position

    The XYZ location of the cursor is updated dynamically with mouse movement. Note that the Z value will normally remain fixed for mouse movement in the Design window as the view is in a fixed plane. In the Plots and Logs  window, as these are 2D viewports, no Z value will be displayed. In the Visualizer, Tables and Reports windows, this area of the status bar is inactive.

  • Cursor Appearance

    You can see the cursor that is currently in use in the primary 3D window here. By default, this is set to <none>, meaning a default cursor will be displayed. Double-clicking this section of the Status bar displays the Custom Cursors dialog, from which you can select an existing custom cursor or design one. More...

  • Quick Key Status

    This area displays information relating to a recent quick key command. The information displayed will show the key combination, and the name of the command. If a key combination is typed that isn't recognised, the command name will be shown as 'ambiguous'.

  • Snap Mode Status

    The current snap mode is also displayed in the status bar. You can see if your Snap Mode is set to [GRID], [LINES], [NONE], [POINTS] or [SURFACE]. Double-clicking this part of the status bar displays the Snap to Mode dialog.

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You can also view useful context-sensitive information using your application's Cursor Messaging System. More...