Project Settings - Wireframing

Global wireframing options

Project Settings: Wireframing

To access this dialog:

  • In the Project Settings dialog, select the Wireframes tab.

  • Run the command wf-select-settings.

  • Use the quick key combination 'sbpf'

This tab is used to configure wireframe data selection methods associated with wireframing commands.

Wireframe selection settings are also available using command line instructions and quick key combinations (shown in brackets):

  • wf-select-settings (sbp) - opens Wireframe Settings dialog
  • wf-select-attribute-switch (sba) - set selection method to Select by Attribute
  • wf-select-file-switch (sbfi) - set selection method to Select by Object
  • wf-select-field-switch (sbfd) - set selection method to Select by Field
  • wf-select-filter-switch (sbfl) - set selection method to Select by Filter
  • wf-select-group-switch (sbg) - set selection method to Select by Group
  • wf-select-surface-switch (sbs) - set selection method to Select by Surface
  • wf-select-triangles-switch (sbt) - set selection method to Select Individual Triangles


Field Details:

Wireframe Tolerance: set the maximum accepted deviation for accepting the results of boolean operations. Smaller values will give rise to lower tolerances and, potentially, more processing time required when performing boolean operations.

Selection Method: the following options are available relating to how wireframe data is selected by the cursor:

  • Select Individual Triangles: either select individual wireframe triangles by left-clicking, or use the drag-box-select method to select a group of contiguous triangles. Many wireframing commands can operate on selected triangles only.

  • Select Object: controls the selection of wireframe data by object. Select all triangles belonging to the object selected with the cursor.

  • Select by Group: controls the selection of wireframe data by picked wireframe group. Select wireframe data matching the wireframe GROUP number of the triangle selected with the cursor.

  • Select by Surface: controls the selection of wireframe data by picked wireframe surface. Select wireframe data matching the wireframe SURFACE number of the triangle selected with the cursor.

  • Select by Attribute: controls the selection of wireframe data by user attributes. Select wireframe data by all user-defined (non-system) attributes associated with the triangle selected with the cursor. Note that only triangles matching all user defined attributes of the triangle picked will be selected.

  • Select by Field: controls the selection of wireframe data by specifying a field in the selected file. Select wireframe data matching the specified field attribute of the triangle selected with the cursor (e.g. LINK will cause the wireframe to be selected by link). If the requested field is not present in the selected wireframe, and error message will be generated.

  • Select by Filter: controls the selection of wireframe data by a user defined filter. Select all the triangles of the object selected with the cursor, providing they pass the filter expression.

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You can find out more about wireframe selection in your product here.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


The Project Settings dialog
Project Settings: Wireframe Linking
Selecting Wireframe Data