Project Wizard - Project Properties

Setting global project properties for your new project

Project Properties

To access this dialog use one of the following:

  • In the Start window, click New Project.

  •  In the Project menu, click New Project.

The Project Properties dialog, is the first step in the use of in The Project Wizard and is used to record general properties relating to the project you are creating. It also determines what the system does when Next is clicked; for MineTrust-aware projects, a check will be made to ensure any defined MineTrust server connections are valid, and that database will be made accessible to your local system for version-control purposes.

note.gif (1017 bytes)

Your application will automatically convert legacy single-precision projects to extended precision format when they are loaded. Single-precision projects are not supported in your application, although you can still create and use single-precision datafileswithin your projects.


Field Details:

The following fields are available:

Name: add a name for your project here.

Location: either type in the system path to the location you wish to store your project file in, or use the ellipsis button to browse for a directory.

Automatically add files...: if you wish for all external files currently in the specified Location to be added (the location of the file, not the contents) to the project file, enable this check box. If you do not wish to add files in this area (you can add them manually later, or on the next screen of this wizard), leave this box clear.

Project Settings...: click this button to open the Project Settings dialog, allowing you to set more general project properties.

All wizards use standard buttons to control progress from page to page:

Select this... do this


Go back to the previous page.


Move to the next page.


Complete the wizard and create the project.


Cancel the wizard without saving any settings.


Get help on the wizard.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Project Wizard overview
The Project Settings dialog

Project File overview