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The "!INCLUDE" soft command enables records from a DATABASE file to be incorporated as normal data and/or statement lines within a Macro or Menu.

How to use

When encountered at runtime, the !INCLUDE command is replaced with one or more records from the nominated file.

General Format :

!INCLUDE &FILE(file), *TEXT(textfld), *KEY(keyfld), @VALUE='keyval'


 Specifies the database file to read, and must be supplied.



 Is optional, and specifies the name of the field within FILE to use. The default is 'TEXT'.


*KEY(keyfld), @VALUE='keyval'  

 Are optional. Taken together they permit selection of a subset of records from FILE. Keyval is specified as a quoted ('') string.



The statement may be extended onto as many lines as necessary; continuation is implied by ending the previous line with a comma. !INCLUDE commands can be nested. These are expanded as encountered, and placed in a buffer for inclusion in the macro.

The !INCLUDE command is discarded if no (matching) lines are found in FILE. It is illegal to supply additional data/text on the !INCLUDE statement line.

The line(s) returned from FILE must be valid data and/or command lines for the macro/menu being executed. Blank lines in FILE are honored, and passed on for macro processing. Substitution variables are permitted, both in the statement itself and within the lines returned from the file.


The following restrictions should be noted:


Records from FILE are stored in a buffer. Each line in the buffer is processed in turn. When all lines have been processed, normal macro execution resumes on the next line after the !INCLUDE call.



If control soft-commands (GOTO, GOSUB etc) are part of the included text, all remaining commands in the buffer WILL STILL BE EXECUTED. Control will be transferred to the target label ONLY when the buffer is empty and normal processing resumes. Macro Labels in !INCLUDEd text are ignored. For these reasons, it is recommended that control commands are NOT supplied in include files.



Multi-line soft commands cannot be used in !INCLUDE files for the current implementation. ie FIELD, VARLOAD, VARSAVE are restricted to single line commands, and PROMPT cannot be used.




Create and use a standard set of test criteria to list all plotfiles with the PICDIR process. All records in the file 'PLOTSPEC', field 'TEXT' will be supplied as TEST> criteria to PICDIR.

!INPFIL &OUT(PLOTSPEC) # create the file

Database file containing test for plotfiles
TEXT A 72 Y ' '
# no system file
( FILE *.P OR FILE ???????P ) END



Incorporate one of a standard library of equations in a GENTRA routine. The file FORMULAE contains various assay cut formulae, which are keyed on the field ASSAYCUT. The required equation has the key value AU10CUT.

!LET $value#='AU10CUT'