Sheet and View Properties

Changing sheet and view properties

Changing sheet and view properties

The display of data object overlays can be controlled at a number of hierarchical levels: the window, the sheet or the projection. Each group of commands operate independently of each other. For example, the section orientation can be rotated independently of the view direction, and the page can be magnified and panned independently of the data in the plot area:

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   More Information (Window)


Change page size and orientation
Zoom in and out

Pan across, up and down the page
  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   More Information (Sheet)


Change data area size and position
Change the data magnification (scale)
Pan data across, up and down the data area

Rotate view direction
Lock view direction perpendicular to section azimuth

Set axis exaggeration

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   More Information (Projection)


Change section width
Clipping Data
View other sections
  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Creating and defining sections
Defining and applying a section master

Printing reports and plots

Much of the hierarchical structure of a particular sheet can be stored in template form. This minimizes the effort required to generate a consistent look and feel across a range of presentation projects by automatically generating a standard arrangement of sheets, projections and, if required, data object overlays.

Find out more about Plot Templates...