Missing Map Dates

Maps detected with missing dates

Missing Map Dates

To access this dialog:

Exported field mapping data needs a time/date stamp so this information can flow through the remainder of the mapping/resource modelling/planning workflow. Studio Mapper will automatically add this information to all output data in the OLE time format, however, this information may not be present if it was generated from old versions of Studio Mapper, or the data has been processed to remove the expected attributes.

Maps missing this information are listed in the dialog. By default, they are unchecked, meaning they won't be exported (either to a physical file system or a Fusion database, or both). If you choose to include a map with no date context, the map data will still be exported but without any time or date context.

Click OK to continue. What happens next depends on whether you are exporting to physical files, or a Fusion database.

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Exporting Files to Other ApplicationsExporting Data to Fusion