Validate & Regenerate Samples

To access this function:

  • Using the Channel Samples panel, select Validate and Generate.

The Validate and Generate Samples command will review the current channel and apply the default settings found in the Channel Sample Settings screen. Where permitted, samples will be regenerated according to the latest channel settings.

Validation is performed on all samples within a channel, including any QA/QC samples that may exist.

Note: If a custom channel sample name has been applied to your map, this will be retained if a channel is validated/regenerated.

Validation and Locked Samples

Once a sample has been edited, either interactively or via the channel sample grid, it is 'locked', meaning its position will not change if the channel is subsequently validated. Locked sample limits will be lost if the corresponding sample is deleted, or the channel is deleted.


  • If previous channel edits have increased the length of a sample sufficiently, additional samples will be introduced to honour the specified Target Length. For example, if the Target Length is 0.5m and previous edits have generated a sample of 2m in length, 3 additional samples will be added to that region as a result of validation.

Validation Logic

Previous edits notwithstanding, validation will attempt to maintain the current SampleID range and custom SampleID values. However, if a custom Prefix or Next value have been applied, any new samples added as part of validation will honour this convention.

The current Channel only will be affected by validation, so ensure the correct one is selected first.

Sample validation will regenerate sample data according to the following logic:

  • If a sample has not been previously edited:
    • Sample intervals will be generated using the Target Length if possible, otherwise:
      • A sample interval will be reduced in length to fit it onto a channel, providing it is not shorter than the Min. Length, otherwise:
        • If the remaining channel cannot accommodate a new sample, the penultimate sample is lengthened to the end of the channel.

See Define Channel Sample Settings.

Tip: If you only want to reorder your sample IDs without changing the positions of sample limits, use Reorder Samples.

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