Select String/Drillhole Dialog

An explanation of fields and properties

Select String/Drillhole

To access this dialog:

  • In the 3D window, ensure string data is displayed. In the Sheets control bar, expand 3D and String folders, then right-click a string object and click Look at Individual String.

This dialog is used to centre/zoom the 3D window display to show a single selected string entity. This differs from the Look at String command in that this function allows you to pick any one of the associated string entities for the selected object. Selections are made according to the string index and one or more entities can be present.


Field Details:

Object: this read-only field shows the name of the previously selected (right-clicked) VR object.

String/Drillhole: you can either view an individual string entity by either

  • double-clicking an index number in the displayed list

  • left-clicking an index number, selecting OK

  • entering an index number in the freeform field at the top of the list , clicking OK .

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Sheets Control Bar - Strings Folder
Look At Mode