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Deletes the selected *.dm files permanently from the project.

How to use

  1. Run the command.

  2. In the Delete File(s) from Project dialog, define a filename filter (see below).

  3. In the File(s) found pane, check the list of selected files.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the required files are listed.

  5. Click OK.

  6. In the confirm dialog, click Yes.

This command will permanently delete files from disk. You are asked to confirm the deletion with the confirmation message "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected files? WARNING: This action cannot be undone.".


Using Filename Filters

To define a filename filter, type in a part of the filename together with one or more of the wildcard symbols '*' or '?' as prefix, intermediate character(s) or suffix. The filter will then be used to automatically select matching files from the project files list and display them in the pane below. Simply typing the '*' wildcard without any additional qualifying characters will result in all project files being listed. Some example filters are shown below:

  • _vb*  -  selects all files that start with '_vb'

  • _vb????  -  select all files starting with '_vb' and which contain an additional 4 following characters

  • *vb*  -  selects all files which contain the letters 'vb' at any position within the file name.