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Evaluate a selected string, against either a block model or drillholes, by projection perpendicular to the view plane.

(missing or bad snippet)

How to use

This command constructs an internal wireframe by projecting the selected string perpendicular to the current view plane. The wireframe is evaluated against a cell model or drillholes. Tonnages and grades for the cell model fields or drillhole samples are reported.

If there is no currently selected string you are prompted to select one with which to do the evaluation. If there is no mining blocks file open you are prompted for one. If this does not exist it will be created. This file holds the string data used to create the internal wireframe.

You are first prompted to assign some initial evaluation parameters:

  • Set the Near and Far Projection Distances: enter the Near distance (out of screen) and a Far (into screen) projection distance, both these values should be entered as positive, although one of them may be zero. The default values for the projection distances are the last values which were used. The projections are made internally perpendicular to the current view plane to create two new temporary strings. These two temporary strings are then used to create the internal wireframe which is used for the evaluation.

    The internal wireframe is stored internally for calculation purposes only.
  • A Default Density value: this will be used if a Density field does not exist in the input model, or it exists and absent values are found. By default, this is 1.
    note.gif (1017 bytes)

    The Default Density setting persists between the static evaluation commands, but can be adjusted in any of them, if appropriate.

  • A Mining Block ID value. The default value is either the current BLOCKID value of the string or 0.01 more than the last BLOCKID value entered.

Click OK to display the Evaluation Results panel.

This panel displays the categorized results of the evaluation, and allows you to export the results to a new or existing results object.

Save Results to create an output file. If an existing results file is selected, all previous reference to the BLOCKID in the mining blocks and results file is erased. The BLOCKID is then permanently assigned to the evaluated string.

You can also Export Results to Excel (Excel must be installed/registered/licensed on the local system).

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It is necessary to write this string to file at some stage before exiting your application in order to store this BLOCKID value in the current string file. This is most easily done using the write-all-strings command.


  • It is possible to keep selecting strings for evaluation until another command is selected.

    Two volumes are calculated and compared, as follows:

    • the total volume of the model cells within the wireframe;

    •  the volume of the wireframe itself.

  • If the difference between these two figures is more than 2 percent of the volume of the cells, then a warning is given. An example of when this would occur is if all or part of the string is outside the limits of the cell model.

  • If any cell contains an absent density value the default density is used. This default value is defined when the cell model file is opened.

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The evaluation results, specifically the fields listed in the output results table and which have been selected from the evaluated drillholes or block model,  are not effected by the order in which data has been loaded.

If absent grade values are found, then they are replaced by the average value for the grade and a message is displayed in the Output window.


   openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Evaluation Commands - Results Table
Evaluation - Reports
>>>>>>> local