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Inserts new vertices into a selected string, between the selected start and end points, using the defined segment and offset parameters.

This command honours both left-click and right-click mouse selection actions i.e. without snapping and with snapping, respectively. Snapping uses the currently defined snap settings (Edit | Snapping|...). Snapping provides additional control when selecting the start and end points on the selected string. The left-click mouse action will select a point on the string which is closest to the cursor.

How to Use

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This command can be run either before or after selecting the required string. The steps below show how to use the command in the case where no string has been preselected. Theundo-last-string-editcommandcan be used to remove incorrectly inserted points. For increased control, first select the required string before running the command.

  1. Run the command.

  2. Follow the prompts displayed in the left side of the Status Bar.

  3. Select the start point on the required string.

  4. Select the end point on the same sting.

  5.  In the Segment Properties dialog, define the Segment length, Number of segments and First offset parameters, click OK:

  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each string.

  7. Click Cancel.

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New vertices will be added between the selected points at the specified segment length or number of segments, using an optional first offset. The following combinations of parameters are allowed, with the offset being optional in all cases:

  • Both the length and number of segments are defined

  • If only the segment length is defined, the length of the string, between the selected start and end points, minus the optional offset, is divided into segments of the specified length.

  • If only the number of segments is specified, the length of the string, between the selected start and end points, minus the optional offset, is divided into the specified number of segments.

The offset defines the distance between the chosen start point and the first inserted vertex.


Example 1: Points Selected without Snapping

In the following example, points have been inserted in the 200m long string using a 50m spacing, by selecting without snapping (left-click) at the two points shown below.



Example 2: Points Selected using Snapping

In the following example, points have been inserted in the 200m long string using a 50m spacing, by snapping (right-click) to the string start and end vertices.



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