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Moves a selected string interactively.

How to Use

There are two ways to use this command; you can use the "2-click" operation as supported by versions of Studio prior to Maintenance Release 20:

  1. Run the command.

  2. Select a reference point on the required string.

  3. Select (left-click to place without snapping; right-click to snap) the new location for the reference point.

  4. Click Cancel.

..or by using the "Drag Method":

  1. Run the command.

  2. Select a reference point on the required string by clicking and holding either the left-mouse-button (for freeform repositioning) or the right-mouse-button (for dynamic snapping).

  3. With the mouse button held down, move the cursor to dynamically reposition the string.

  4. Release the mouse button to set the final position for the string.

  5. Click Cancel.

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