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ribbon | Operations | Boolean | Difference


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The Difference operation takes two open or closed wireframe objects (or two selections of wireframe triangle data, or a combination of object and selection) and creates another wireframe object which represents the first wireframe data with any volume shared with the second wireframe data removed.

The ordering of objects is important for this command, as is the selection of the 'output' option for each object.

Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

How to Use

  1. Run the command. The Difference dialog will open.

  2. For Wireframe 1 and Wireframe 2, either select a loaded wireframe object, or choose the Selected triangles option and select wireframe data interactively in a 3D window, storing the selection for each input using the appropriate Store current selection button. A combination of object and triangle selection is permitted.

  3. You can output data either within the Current object, an existing wireframe object (pick it from the list) or a new object (type a new name).

  4. Click OK to execute.

note.gif (1017 bytes)

This command is also available using the BOOLEAN process (@METHOD=2)

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Boolean operations


Selecting Wireframe Data

Wireframes - Difference Dialog