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Creates a string where a defined plane intersects a wireframe object or preselected wireframe triangle data. Output strings will inherit their colour from the original wireframe.

Displays the Section dialog.

Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

How to Use

  1. Run the command.

  2. In the Section dialog, select the required wireframe object or choose to use preselected wireframe triangle data (from any loaded wireframe data object).

  3. If you wish to process key field values separately, pick a Key field from the drop-down list, otherwise leave as <None>. If multiple object data is selected, only data columns common to all selected objects will be listed.

  4. Define the plane orientation that will be used to generate a section string, either using one of the presets (Horizontal, North-South etc.) or define a custom Azimuth and Inclination.

  5. Define the plane reference (origin) point for the section.

    You can also define a plane orientation and origin by selecting an existing wireframe triangle, using the Pick Face button, or you can simply use the current 3D view plane.

  6. You can output data either within the Current object, an existing string object (pick it from the list) or a new string object (either type a new name or use the default).

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Wireframe Section Dialog