3D Window Templates

To standardize the display of your data in the active 3D window on a per-object-type basis, 3D display templates can be a good option. Your product uses 3D window templates to:

  • capture the hard work you've done so far and retrieve it at a later date

  • synchronize your view formatting between projects

  • synchronize your view formatting between the 3D and Plots windows

  • create a default template that is applied when a particular object type is created/loaded

  • complete projects more rapidly than before

As with many 3D window functions, templates are accessible from any 3D window properties dialog, appearing as a tab that sits along the top of the dialog. For example, the Block Model Properties dialog looks like this:

The options available are the same for any of the visual object types (strings, drillholes, wireframes etc.).

3D window templates are applied to the current 3D window and any linked windows.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Object Properties - Templates tab

Sheets Control Bar