Exporting Data

Geologists and Mining Engineers often use a variety of software programs when creating geological models, estimating grade, generating an economic model and shell, designing mine layouts and scheduling as part of exploration or the mine planning cycle. These programs generally have their own data and file formats. Your application can load and display data in a variety of file formats as well as import the same to its native Datamine binary format. The Data Source Drivers provide the means load, import or export data between it and other products, for a large number of data and file formats.

Exporting Data

Exporting data is effectively the reverse of importing. It reads a Datamine format file, and using the appropriate Data Source Driver, it creates and saves a foreign format file. You can export data in a variety of formats, and as with the Import facility, you can access the Export function using one of several methods, some of which are listed below:

  • In the Data Object Manager, select an object to export from the list and click the Export Data button, or choose Data >> Export using the menu system.