Text Wizard (Export) - Column Widths

Specifying the column widths for an exported fixed width text file

Text Wizard - Column Widths

This screen is used to define the column widths that are to be used to export data to an external text file.

This screen is part of the Text Wizard.

When you have finished adding details to this screen, click Next to proceed to the Attributes screen.

Field Details:

The following options are available:

Default Column Width: use the spin buttons or enter a value into the field to specify the width, in characters, of each column in the resulting fixed-width file.

Define Columns: each column in your exported file can be named using the following options:

  • Column Name: enter the name of the data column into the top text field and then Add it to the list.

  • Clear All: clear all currently defined column names from the list.

  • Add: add the description in the Column Name field to the list, at the bottom.

  • Remove: remove the selected item from the list.

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Text Wizard Introduction