Find Command

To access this screen:

  • In the Command toolbar, select the Find Command icon.

This screen lists file processes and design commands in alphabetical order. Each command or process is shown alongside its quick key (if one is available) and a brief description. You can also run any command or find out more about it via the Help system.

The list is split into two parts:

  • Firstly, a list of interactive command names is displayed in alphabetical order, e.g. deselect-all-planes", "deselect-all-points" and so on.
  • The second part, lower down, shows processes in alphabetical order, e.g. ACCMLT, ADDDD and so on.

Keyboard Navigation

Type the initial characters of a command name to move to an next appropriate item down the list (for example, typing 'com' when you first open the dialog moves the selection to "combine-adjacent-perimeters").

You can also use repetitive keystrokes to cycle through commands, for example, repeatedly pressing 'd' cycles the interactive commands starting with "defdensity-switch" and ending with "design-set-background"). Pressing 'd' again at this point moves to the second section of the list - the processes starting with 'd'.

Filtering the List

Enter text characters into the field at the top of the screen and either press <ENTER> or click Apply. Items will be displayed only if the typed characters are found in either the command/process name or the corresponding description. Wild card or expression-based searching is not currently supported.

Running a Command

Locate the option you require and select it. You can then double-click the item name to run the selected command, or you can click Run.

Finding Out More About a Command or Process

Select a command or process and click CommandHelp to display a context-sensitive help topic relating to your selection. If you want to display this help page, press <F1>.

Copying the list to the clipboard

Use Copy to Clipboard to transfer the contents of the Find Command screen to the clipboard. This can be pasted into another application such as Notepad or Excel, for example. If you have previously filtered the list, only displayed items are copied.

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