Using this Help File
Your application contains a wide range of varying functions and tools. Your help file helps you understand them.
Help topics are broadly available in the following types:
Conceptual topics which describe the general concepts and background information on how to get the most out of the system.
Command- and process- specific topics which how to use a specific command and achieve the desired results i.e. the input data requirements, the parameters, settings, methods and output.
Window, toolbar, control bar and screen topics which describe how to use the various Studio 3 components. Many of these topics are context-sensitive and appear when specific buttons are clicked, or F1 is pressed, with a particular screen displayed.
Where appropriate, an "activity" is provided to outline the basic steps required to achieve a particular outcome.
Whilst sequential, activities can contain other reference information and even links to other activities (to explain a wider workflow).
Reference Topics
Some topics contain reference material, often in tables. One example of this is a "command table" that outlines all commands starting with a particular letter, and links to further help.
Examples of this type of content:
Searching for Help
Use the search facility to locate specific help. Searches are not case-sensitive.
If you're viewing online help (which is highly recommended), you can use logic statements and other syntax to support your search:
Enclose a "search phrase" in double quotation marks.
Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NEAR, NOT).
If you are viewing content using browser-based machine translation, enter search terms in English.
Related topics and activities