Measuring Distances on Plot Sheets

Measuring distances on plot sheet projections

Measuring Distances in a Plot Sheet Projection

To access this command:

  • In the Plots window, ensure Normal Mode is active (toggle off Page Layout Mode), right-click on a sheet and select Measure.

The Measure command is used to measure distance by drawing a measurement string (line or polyline) on a plot sheet's projection plane.

Measurement is achieved by digitizing a 2D string, including as many points as are necessary. The resulting cumulative distance measurement is shown after each mouse click. The line that is shown on screen during digitizing is temporary; it will not be visible in your presentation (and is removed after the measurement operation is complete).

Once a measurement string (line or polyline) has been drawn, you can use the right-click context menu to access measurement mode-specific commands (please note that these commands are only available when a measurement is being performed. Those commands are:

Stop Measuring: cancel measurement mode and return to Static Page mode.

Continue: continue digitizing a measurement string in the selected projection.

Strata Mode: the Strata Mode command adjusts how points are added to the boundary when it is digitized. When this mode is on the top and bottom points of a stratum is added in turn. When it is off points are added to the boundary in a perimeter fashion.

When Strata Mode is on and drillhole samples are snapped to points are added in pairs at the top and bottom of the selected sample.

Zoom: this command allows you to scale the view of the projection that is active. Note that Zoom is merely a magnification of the view; no underlying data is affected.

View Settings: opens the View Settings dialog, allowing you to change the view definition for the selected section.

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View Settings Dialog