Plot Item Library Dialog

The generic Plot Item Library dialog

Plot Item Library

To access this dialog, use one of the following methods:

  • In the PlotsorLogs window, right-click on a sheet, select Insert (Page Layout Mode).

  • In the Plots window, right-click on a sheet, select Insert | Locatable Plot Item (Normal Mode).

  • Activate the Manage ribbon and click the top-level Plot Item button to display the Plot Item Library

  • Activate theManageribbon and select thePlot Itemdrop-down menu to expand it

This generic dialog is used to select plot, sheet, projection and overlay types; other plot items and locatable plot items.


The Plot Item Library is a generic dialog, used to select plot, sheet, projection or overlay object types; as well as plot item objects for further processing or insertion; or a particular method or dialog. The items that are listed within this dialog are specific to the context in which it is called and the hierarchy level at which an item is being added (sheet, projection, overlay etc.). Selecting an Item and then clicking OK will continue the process.

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The Plots window supports the concept of 'child' and 'parent' objects; some plot items are reliant on parent objects - these are often referred to as 'dynamic plot items' - such as a North Arrow, for example; a North Arrow must be associated with a projection in order to 'know' where to point. In this situation, plot items are added by inserting them at the correct layer of the Plots window hierarchy. Find out more about sections, projections, overlays, items and objects...

When inserting plot items using the Sheets control bar's right click menu it is useful to remember that any plot items that relate to a particular projection (for example, a title bar that will list the description of a projection) should not be added at the Sheets level or above, instead, they should be added by right-clicking the relevant Projection folder and selecting Insert...

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