Profile Plot Box - Data Objects

Using the Profile Box Dialog

Profile Box - Data Objects

Use this dialog to add, remove or format profiles from the selected profile box. The current profiles are displayed in the Current Profiles box.

Note that for a profile to be displayed correctly, the projection that the profile relates to must be set as a vertical section with a view set perpendicularly to that section.

To add a new profile

  1. In the Objects and Fields box, select the object you wish to add to the profile box and expand to show the object fields.

  2. Select the field name which defines the parameter modelled by this surface (e.g. Z coordinate) and choose the Add button to add the field/object to the Current Profiles box. More than one parameter may be displayed in a profile box.

To change the format of an existing profile

  1. Select a profile in the Current Profiles box.

  2. Choose Properties to display the current format settings for the selected profile. Choose the Help button for more information on changing formats.

To remove a profile

  1. Select a profile in the Current Profiles box.

  2. Choose Remove.
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Inserting parameter profiles in section views