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Filter all visible drillholes overlays.

How to use

  1. Run the command.

  2. In the Expression Builder dialog, define and check the filter Expression.

  3. Click OK.

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This command makes it possible to display and work with different drillhole samples using a filter expression. The filter will be used whenever the drillholes samples are used.

Existing filters can be removed by selecting this command but not specifying any filters. Then use the redraw-display command to display all the data.

A drillhole file must be open before filters may be applied. For more information on filtering data, click here.


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The field 'FILENAME' is created automatically for drillholes by the system when reading drillhole files. This is a particularly useful field when filtering. All new or modified drillhole records will have FILENAME set to ' ' (blank spaces).

Note that FILENAME is up to 24 characters long and is stored using the DATAMINE file convention, i.e. UPPERCASE with an optional dot to delimit any suffix.


Complex Filter Expressions and Scripting

You can emulate the effect of multiple-line filter expressions in scripts by joining expression parameters with "AND". For example, the following scripted command

Dm.parseCommand(“filter-drillholes ‘AU > 0.5 AND’ ‘M4DDESC =2’ ‘’);

Represents the following expression filter:

AU > 0.5 AND

Note the third parameter (empty single quotes). This is used to indicate that no further expressions will be specified.


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