Wireframe Tag Strings

Adding Tag Strings to a string model.


Tag Strings

Tag Strings are a special type of string used to provide advanced control when wireframes are generated using the String Linking wireframe commands. Tag strings are:

  • Added to a string model in order to optionally guide wireframe creation commands

  • Optional in the case of simple string models but are generally needed when modeling complex geometries

  • Saved as part of the string model with which they are associated i.e. stored in the same file or table.

Add tag strings to an existing string model in order to:

  • control the exact placement of wireframe edges

  • overcome the problem of twisted wireframes associated with complex geometries

  • Use the3Dwindow split windows feature when creating tag strings for complex string models.

Setting Tag String Color

  1. Select a 3D window.
  2. Activate the Surfaces ribbon and selectOperations | Tag String | Tag String Color
  3. In theDatamine Studiodialog, set theTag String Cololur:to '2' (default setting), clickOK:

Adding Tag Strings to a String Model

Tag strings are added to existing string models and are created using the create-tag-string command. When running this command, the tag string is digitized by sequentially snapping to corresponding points in adjacent such that the resultant string represents an edge. This edge can then optionally be used to control subsequent string linking wireframe commands. The images below show a set of geological section strings (green and blue) and the associated tag strings (red) which connect edges at the ends of the string model:



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Once tag strings have been added to a string model , the modified object needs to be saved so that the additional tag string data is appended to the existing 'normal' string model data.

Recognizing Tag Strings in a Datamine Table

Strings tables and files which contain Tag String data have an additional numeric field (TAG). Each tag string has a unique value TAG value. An example of such a field is shown in the image below, where an tag string updated object has been and saved to file and then opened in the Datamine Table Editor for checking:



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  • Tag Strings are identified by the field TAG containing a value greater or equal to '1'.

  • All other 'normal' strings have TAG set to '-'.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)  Related Topics


Tag String Color
Using Tag Strings