Definition Viewer Dialog

Viewing data column definitions

Definition Viewer Dialog

To access this dialog:

The Definition Viewer dialog is used to view the selected objects data definition.


Field Details:

Columns: this pane displays a list of all currently-defined data columns for the selected object. Selecting a column in this list will update the contents of the Column Information group.

Column Information: this section of the panel contains the actual data definition for the selected data object:

  • Object Name: the name of the currently selected object, with the data type shown in brackets after (e.g. 'MyFile (points)').

  • Name: the column/field name.

  • Type: either [Numeric] or [Alphanumeric].

  • Length: only available to [Alphanumeric] fields; this value defines the permitted maximum length of the field.

  • Default value: '-' Absent Data value.

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The data definition cannot be edited using this dialog. This should be done using the Datamine Table Editor.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


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