Gemcom® Model Import

Importing a Gemcom format block model

Gemcom Model Import Utility

To access this dialog:

  • Activate the Data ribbon and select Utility | Convert Gems Model Text File

This command is used to run a script utility to convert a Gemcom text format model file to a Datamine file.

The script accepts an Input Text File (use the Browse button to select a file on disk) containing Gemcom CSV (comma-separated-value) model data and creates the corresponding parent cell Datamine model.

During import, this utility will calculate the model origin, rotation angle and cell size from the Gemcom data and create a Datamine model in memory.

This utility can work with both rotated and unrotated model data, but will only work for a single rotation about the Z axis.

Also. parent cell sizes (XINC, YINC, ZINC) and the rotation angle (ANGLE1) should not include numeric data specified to more than 2 decimal places.

If you want to create a sub-cell model:

  1. Create the parent cell model to get the prototype.
  2. Use the TRIFIL process to fill the wireframe with cells and subcells.
  3. Use SELCOP to select IJK and any attributes from the parent cell model
  4. JOIN it to the model created by TRIFIL for the sub-cell model.
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