Commands Options

Command behavior options

Commands Options

To access this dialog:

  • This screen is accessed via the Options dialog.

The Commands section of the Options dialog is used to configure settings relevant to the general behavior of commands.


Field Details

Store command undo information: select this check box (default setting) to enable Studio to store recent command actions. This allows you to undo operations performed within a project session.

Set the number of command actions to store/buffer by editing the Maximum command undo levels field. As the 'queue' of commands reaches this limit, the most recent operation will be added to the start of the queue, and the oldest action will be removed.

Remove Undo Information: click to purge the current queue of undo actions. This action, however, cannot be undone.

Storing many undo levels, or undo information for a large amount of data may consume a significant amount of memory. Consider disabling the Undo function for command involving large amounts of data in order to conserve memory and speed up processing.

Memory currently being used to store undo information can be freed at any time by clicking Remove Undo Information.

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The Options dialog