GeoTechnical Settings

Creating planes from points

Geotechnical Settings

To access this dialog:

Your application can use strings digitised onto wireframes to specify key planes, for example for joint space analysis. As part of this, a variety of tools and visualisation methods are available to help with their generation and interpretation.

Your application provides two different methods to calculate average planes from a series of points: Projected Areas, and Least Squared Fit. Both should produce suitable approximations for a plane passing through a string, although the Least Squared Fit option may be more accurate in certain circumstances. The Use Least Squared Fit option requires a Sirojoint license, with the exception of loading a document containing previously calculated Planes. Contact Datamine for more information about this licensing option toolset. If this license is not present, this option will be disabled.

The calculation method chosen will affect how planes are generated from strings, such as those generated in a 3Dwindow when converting strings to planes, and also how Dip and Dip Direction are calculated when being reported in the Data Properties control bar, when selecting a string in a 3D window.