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Sets values of substitution variables.  Arithmetic and functions are provided.



!let <var>=<var1>
!let <var>=<var2><op><var3>
!let <var>=<func1>(<var2>)
!let <var>=<func2>(<var2>,<var3>)
!let <var>=ENV(<str1>[,<var2>])
!let <var>=EVAR(<str1>)
!let <var>=INDX(<str1>,<str2>)
!let <var>=LENG(<str1>)
!let <var>=LWC(<str1>)
!let <var>=SUBS(<str1>,<var1>,[<var2>])
!let <var>=UPC(<str1>)



  • <var> is a substitution variable.

  • <var1> is a substitution variable or a constant.

  • <op> is an arithmetic operator + - omitted, <var1> and <var2> are concatenated as character strings.

  • <var2> is a numeric substitution variable or a constant.

  • <var3> is a numeric substitution variable or a constant.

  • <func1> is a function from the set SQRT, EXP, LOG, LOGE, LOGN, INT, SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN, ABS.

  • <func2> is a function from the set MOD, RAIS, MAX, MIN.

  • <str1> is a string substitution variable or constant.

  • <str2> is a string substitution variable or constant.

  • If <str1> or <str2> contain embedded blanks which must be preserved, the variable or constant should be enclosed in (single) quotes.

  • ENV provides access to environment variables. <str1> is the name of an environment variable. If <var2> is included, it should specify which value (1..N) of the environment variable is required; if omitted, the first value is returned.

  • EVAR returns a value of 1 if the argument is a valid substitution string, otherwise 0.

  • INDX returns an integer, representing the starting position within <str1> of a substring identical to <str2>. If <str2> occurs more than once, the position of the first match is returned. If <str2> does not occur within <str1>, INDX returns zero (0).

  • LENG returns the length of the character string <str1>, i.e. the number of characters up to the first trailing blank.

  • LWC returns its argument with all upper case letters converted to lower case.

  • SUBS returns a substring of <str1> that begins at character position <var1> and is at most <var2> characters long. If <var2> is omitted, the remainder of the string is assumed.

  • UPC returns its argument with all lower case letters converted to their upper case equivalents.


!let $3=3

!let $1=$2

!let $3='$2'

!let $3=$1/$2

!let $5=sin(45)

!let $6=max($1,$3)

!let $d=env(directory)

!let $s=subs($dXXXXX,1,5)

!let $s=$sSUB.DAT

Together, the last three examples will construct the name of the subset file for any directory.