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Force macro commands to only use the local project folder (Default behaviour).


  1. The default behaviour for macros is to use LOCDBON. If neither LOCDBON or LOCDBOFF has been specified files will only be searched for locally. This ensures backward compatibility for macro behaviour prior to June 2019.

    By default, macros created prior to June 2019 will run identically in Studio products released before and after June 2019.

  2. When saving interactive commands to a macro the !LOCDBOFF command is added to the start of the macro automatically. This ensures the macro will locate the same file that has been selected from the project when using the interactive command. This is not the case for saving to macros and running them prior to June 2019.

  3. When automatically saving to a macro the first few lines of the macro will be something like:

    # - Use !LOCDBOFF to look for files outside the local folder
    # - Use local files by deleting the next line or use !LOCDBON

  4. The LOCDBON and LOCDBOFF commands can be used anywhere in a macro and will affect all subsequent commands in the macro. A single process can be bracketed by LOCDBOFF and LOCDBON, e.g.:

    # Get list of rock types from reference file on network. File REFROCKTYPES must be added to project
    # Revert to processing only local files


  5. When using files outside the local project folder, (i.e. using LOCDBOFF), if a command uses a remote file that is added to the project but has the same name as a file in the local folder, the remote file will be used.

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