Color Collection Editor

Editing the color of chart data components

Color Collection Editor

To access this dialog:

  • In the Histogram dialog, Charts tab, select a chart item from the list,

  • In the Charts Toolbar, click the Edit Pallete option.

The Color Collection Editor dialog is used to define custom color palette settings.


Define colors as 'Members' and assign each member a Color property using the supplied panels. Once a custom color scheme has been defined, it can be applied to the chart by selecting the [Custom] option in the Color Scheme drop-down list.

Click Add to create a new member (automatically indexed), and for each member, use the drop-down arrow next to the Color field to select a color from the supplied pallete. When all colors have been created (note that each color will be relevant to a particular data series), click OK to commit those colors to the custom color scheme entry.

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