Dimension Arrow Dialog

How to use the dimension arrow plot item properties dialog


To access this dialog use one of the following:

  • In the Sheets control bar, Plots sub-folder, right-click on a dimension arrow item, select Dimension Arrow Properties.

The Dimension Arrow dialog is used to define the visibility, appearance and label properties for the selected dimension arrow plot item.

Field Details:

Visible: tick the checkbox to display this overlay, clear to hide; default 'ticked'.


Color: select a fixed color from the palette.

Line Style: select a line style from the drop-down.

Line Width: select a line width.

note.gif (1017 bytes)

Units are as per theDrawing Unitssettings. These are set underHomeribbon |Project | Options.


Arrow Style: select an arrow style from the drop-down.

Arrow Size: select an arrow size.

note.gif (1017 bytes)

Units are as per theDrawing Unitssettings. These are set underHomeribbon |Project | Options.


Font: use the browse button to modify the default Label font.


Show Units: tick the checkbox to display the units after the dimension.

Apparent Value: a dimension arrow with points snapped to data will have a true length.

Label Direction: select a fixed color from the palette.

Decimal Places: select a line style from the drop-down.

Rounding: select an option to define how the dimension label value is rounded off.

Prefix: add a short description to add before the displayed dimension label.

Suffix: add a short description to add after the displayed dimension label.

Save as Default: click this button to save the currently displayed settings as the new set of default values for this dialog.

OK: apply the currently displayed settings to the overlay and close the dialog.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)  Related Topics


Dimension Arrows
Insert Dimension Arrow dialog