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SURVIG - edit survey data using interactive graphics


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SURVIG is an interactive graphic process, that allows the surveyor to view, edit, merge and interrogate a database of surveyed point and string data representing surface and underground mining excavations.

How to use

The input to the process may include coordinated point and string data computed from survey measurements of an update survey, a previous period survey and planned limits of excavation that the surveyor requires to establish for control of production. The processes that may have been used to create this data include:-


Reduction of survey tacheometry measurements.


Interactive graphic survey editor. Note that the output from the same process, probably representing the complete survey for the period, would be input for further modification after subsequent surveys.


Convert an input perimeter file into survey format. Output perimeters representing planned limits of mining would be converted for use by the editor (SURVIG). The processes generating these perimeters include:-

 Open pit mine-planning.


Blast-hole layout within a blast.


Composite design and evaluation in a blast.


Input to the process may also consist of previously defined sections and section profiles perimeters, to be used for viewing of the data and the analysis of areas and volumes.

The process utilizes up to four graphics windows that are established by the user, any of which can display sectional or isometric views at any orientation. The user can define a boundary, and this can be used to extract all points and partial segments that lie within the area updated by the survey. Having merged the update survey into the previous survey, the user can quickly generate a digital terrain model of the survey on the graphics screen.

This can be validated with assistance from the on-screen contouring, and a profile string can be produced for each of the sections defined in the section definition file. These can also be used for terrain model validation and also to carry out period volume calculations using the end-area method.

The points and strings may be queried and their display attributes or position changed. The distance, azimuth and gradient between two points can be easily found, as well as the total distance of a string of connected points and the mean gradient.

The output from the process will consist of a file containing all the unique points for the area survey, and a file containing the segments that link the points to form strings, representing features such as bench toe and crests, or roof, floor and sidewall strings of underground development. This output may then be used by the mine-planning processes listed above, after processing to create Datamine perimeter/string file:-

SURVOU Convert an input perimeter file into survey format.

A plot file of the survey can be produced at any time from the current screen display. A higher quality of plot, with the addition of text and user-defined symbols and company grid, legend and title boxes can be accomplished by processing the plot file with the following processes:-

PLOTFX Base plan plot.

File Handling

The files associated with the SURVIG process are summarized below:-

  • Optional input point and segment files that represent the survey data to be updated.

  • Optional input point and segment files that represent the update survey data.

  • Output point and segment files of the survey data stored during the interactive session. This would normally represent a merge of the previous period and the update survey data.

  • Optional input/output section definition file.

  • Optional input/output profile string file, which will store the strings generated from slicing the terrain model with the defined section planes, and also any boundary or interpolated strings.

Input survey point and string files

SURVIG allows the output of a section definition file containing the position, azimuth and dip of a series of section planes, to be used for viewing or the production of section profiles. As this is an input and output file, sections defined in SURVIG may be used in future runs of the process.

Section profiles that represent the outline of the surveyed surface where it intersects the section plane, can be produced and output for use in volume analysis between survey periods, or for use in mine planning processes where visualization of the actual excavation in relation to the planned cut is desired.

Files, Fields and Parameters

Input Files



I/O Status




Optional input point file or prototype, containing at least the numeric fields: PID Unique point identification number. X Y Z Coordinate position of point. PSYMBOL Point symbol number 91 : Circle 92 : Cross (+) 93 : Cross (x) 94 : Triangle 95 : Box 96 : Diamond 97 : Star ( ) 98 : Pie Segment PSYMSZE Point symbol size in millimetres. P Colour number (1-16) for symbol. PERIOD Period number identifier.





Optional input string segment file or prototype, containing at least the numeric fields: PID1 First point of segment. PID2 Second point of segment. PVALUE String identifier. PTYPE String type. PCODE String linestyle: 1001 = Solid line 1002 = Broad line 1003 = Long Dash line 1004 = Dotted line 1005 = Dash Dotted line 1006 = Medium Dash line 1007 = Dash with two dots 1008 = Short Dash line P String colour (1-16).





Optional input point file of update data.



Point Data


Optional input string segment file of update data.








Optional input/output section file defining sections for display, profile string generation and volume analysis, containing fields: SVALUE Section number XCENTRE X Coordinate of section centre point YCENTRE Y Coordinate of section centre point ZCENTRE Z Coordinate of section centre point SAZI Azimuth of the direction of dip. SDIP Dip of the section plane (90). STHICK Horizontal distance between adjacent sections. HSIZE Horizontal extent of section. VSIZE Vertical extent of section.





Optional input/output file of strings formed from section/terrain model slicing This file will contain standard perimeter fields XP, YP, ZP, PTN, PVALUE, and additional fields PTYPE, P, PTEXT and PERIOD.

Output Files


I/O Status







Point Data

Output point file.





Output string segment file.





File for output evaluations in format for input to TABRES process.









Integer period number for storing with the updated point/string data and section profiles.






Colour of primary perimeters (5).






Colour of secondary perimeters (7).






Maximum number additional points/strings that are likely to be required to be defined in the process (500).






Parameter to be set to 1 for the use of the LO coordinate system (0).






Local X origin to be used for internal coordinate calculations (0).






Local Y origin to be used for internal coordinate calculations (0).






Local Z origin to be used for internal coordinate calculations (0).






On power-up, the first command executed is RESET LIMITS [/DL] to define the required plane description for each window. If the @LOADPER parameter is set (to read the input survey point/string data and profiles into memory and auto-scale the screen), the default coordinates for the window patterns will be the data limits.

Memory Usage

On entry to the process, an amount of internal computer memory is reserved for the storage of point data. This is computed from the number of points supplied as input to the process, with the addition of the amount specified by the user with the @ADDPOINT parameter.

Total points = Records in &POINTIN file +

Records in &POINTUP file +


The parameter @ADDPOINT is set to a default of five hundred (500), and this should be sufficient for edit and update purposes, but this should be increased if a large amount of digitizing is to be carried out.


The optional input/output section definition (&SECTION) file and optional input/output profile file (&PROFILE) must be supplied if section profiles are to be produced and stored and used for volume calculation. If they do not exist, they will be created and be available for output.

Sub-menu Commands




Cancel current operation.




Contour the terrain model for the current PERIOD and display the contours on the screen. This option will only produce contours for the current window. The window must be a plan view. A terrain model must have be generated by the LS command. The user will be prompted to supply the following information, defaults based on data coordinate limits will be supplied:


Enter minimum contour value [DDDD.D]

Enter maximum contour value [DDDD.D]

Enter contour interval [ DD.D]

Enter contour colour [ D]

Enter number of decimals in contour annotation or -1 for no annotation [ D]


A number of checks will be made on the input supplied and warning messages displayed if mis-matches occur.


Warning messages will also be displayed if the terrain model has not been generated or if the survey data has been edited since its generation. The contours will be stored in a temporary plot file. The display of contours can be permanently switched on by setting the contour display flags under the process defaults command DF.




Cut the survey points and strings that lie within the current perimeter in the current window. All survey points that lie inside or on the boundary perimeter, will be removed. Any segment that crosses the boundary, with one point within and one outside, will cause a new point to be inserted at the intersection of the boundary and string segment. The elevation of the new point will taken from the survey string elevation at the point of intersection. Strings that become broken will have the latter section assigned a string PVALUE of the previous PVALUE incremented by 0.1, until a spare number is found. Segments that cross the boundary in which neither end point is positioned, are left un-modified.




Switch between cursor and keyboard mode.




Delete points or string segments. There are two modes of operation; if in point snapmode selected points will be deleted; the user will be prompted:

Select POINTS for deletion using button/key F2 ...


If in line snapmode selected segments will be deleted and the user will be prompted:


Select LINES for deletion using button/key F2 ...


Selection of command SM will modify snapmode, and the user will be able to continue in delete mode. Selection of GRID snapmode will disable deletion mode.


Deletion of a string segment will cause a new string to be created from segments occurring after the the previous number incremented by 0.1 until an unused number has been found in the data currently loaded in memory.


Once the DE command has been selected, a delete mode is entered. In this mode, the sequence of selecting the point/segment for deletion will be repeated until the delete mode is turned off by the selection of any other command. The CA (Cancel) command is often used for this purpose.




Reset default values. This command allows control over the grid and other features of SURVIG to be modified.




  1. Frame variables :

           XINC [ NN.NN],

           YINC [MM.MM] ,

           NDX [0],

           NDY [0],

           XGSTART [ 0.00],

           YGSTART [ 0.00].

  1. Grid display [OFF].

  2. Source files for points/segments [INPUT].

  3. Automatic terrain model slicing [OFF].

  4. Automatic terrain model display [OFF].

  5. Automatic period profile display [OFF].

  6. Automatic contour display [OFF].

    0. Return to main process.


>Option [ ] > Enter 0-7.


In all the responses below pressing just <return> will cause the previous default value to be retained, except for filenames and labels, when just <return> will clear them.


For 1:

>XINC > Grid increment in X.

>YINC > Grid increment in Y.

>NDX > Dec. places for X annotation.

>NDY > Dec. places for Y annotation.

>XGSTART> Grid start point in X.

>YGSTART> Grid start point in Y.


These starting coordinates relate to the local plotted X/Y axes. i.e. for a vertical north-south section, the XGSTART would be a Y coordinate, the YGSTART would be a Z coordinate.


For 2:

Set grid display assignment :-


1. OFF 2. ON


>Option [ ] > Enter the required option.


If there is more than one window, the grid will only be displayed in the current window.


For 3:

Set source of points/strings :-


1. None. Request when needed

2. Point/Segment input files

3. Point/Segment update files


>Option [ ] > Enter the required option. When getting string and point data from file using the GA or GS commands, a default source file will be defined.


For 4:

Set terrain model slicing :-


1. OFF 2. ON


>Option [ ] > Enter the required option. If automatic wireframe slicing is turned on, then every time the screen is repaged or the section orientation of a window is changed, then the wireframe slice through the current terrain model (if generated in the current session) will be displayed in each sectional window. The points created by this slicing will be available as bank points during the next NS, EP or DP operation.


For 5:

Set automatic terrain model display :-


1. OFF 2. ON


>Option [ ] > Enter the required option. If automatic wireframe display is turned on, then every time the screen is repaged or the section orientation of a window is changed, then the wireframe display through the current terrain model (if generated in the current session) will be displayed in each sectional window.


For 6:

Set automatic profile display :-


1. OFF 2. ON


>Option [ ] > Enter the required option. If automatic profile display is turned on then every time the screen is repaged or the section orientation of a window is changed, then the profile strings for the current PERIOD, stored in the input/output profile file, will be displayed in each sectional window.


For 7:

Set automatic contour display :-


1. OFF 2. ON


>Option [ ] > Enter the required option. If automatic contour display is turned on, then every time the screen is repaged or the section orientation of a window is changed, then contours will be generated from the current, terrain model (produced by LS command), and will be displayed in each sectional window.


For 0 or <return>, the user will return to the main process.




Switch between digitizer and cursor modes.




Define new profile or perimeter using the screen cursor in the current window. If there is already existing current and secondary strings, the following message will appear :-


The secondary string will be lost. The old current string will become the secondary string. Define new current string using screen cursor. Is this what you want ?


>CONFIRM > Any response other than Y, y or OK cancel the DP operation.


The user will now be prompted for the PVALUE of the new string/perimeter :-


Please supply profile/string value:-


>String ID -PVALUE [ PPPPP.P ] >


Enter the required number. Pressing <return> will cause the default, the last stored PVALUE incremented by 1.0, to be retained. PVALUEs are dealt with as unique numbers to two decimal places, so they should not be defined with more than two decimal places.


The user will then get the following message before continuing to define the new string or perimeter :-

Cursor button definitions for DP/EP ARE:-


Button 1 Defines a point after current point.

Button 2 Deletes current point.

Button 3 Snap to required point.

Button 4 Selects current point as nearest to cursor.


If the user is in keyboard mode when DP is entered, then the three-dimensional coordinates of each new point will be prompted for on the text screen:-

Enter three-dimensional coordinates of each point of the new string. Enter ! to terminate string. Enter < to repeat entry of the coordinates for that point.

Enter data for point no. 1 :-


Northing of point > Easting of point > Elevation of point>




Create a series of sections to be written to the SECTION file. A reference line must be defined by its origin in X,Y and Z coordinates, and its azimuth. All sections will be established perpendicular to this line at a user-defined spacing and the section centre positioned on the reference line.

The user will be prompted to enter the following information, with defaults provided from the survey data limits:-


X coordinate of section origin [XXXXX.X]

Y coordinate of section origin [YYYYY.Y]

Z coordinate of section origin [ZZZZZ.Z]

Azimuth of section reference line [AAA.A]

Dip of section planes [DD.D]

Section spacing along reference line [S]

Number of sections required [N]

Horizontal extent of sections (HSIZE)[HHHH.H]

Vertical extent of sections (VSIZE) [VVVV.V]

Section start number [S]

Section number increment [I]





Erase all survey points/strings. This allows an effective restart of the process, although any perimeters held in memory are not erased. Confirmation is requested:-


>Confirm [N]Y > Y to erase all survey data.


Pressing <return> will cancel the erase and return to the process.




Edit survey point or string attributes.


In all the responses below pressing just <return> will cause the default value to be retained. The following interaction will be required, depending on the current snapmode setting:-


For snapmode POINTS: Select point with F2 button/key ...


Point attributes :-

PID = 201.00

X coordinate = 14816.81

Y coordinate = 25191.94

Z coordinate = 5077.18

Symbol no. = 92.00

Symbol size = 1.50

Symbol colour = 6.00


>Are these parameters correct? Y/[N]>


Any response other than <return>, N or n will prompt the user to select another point.


>Enter point PID [ 201.0 ] > PID is the unique point identifier.

>Enter X coordinate [ 14816.81 ] > X coordinate of the point in user units.

>Enter Y coordinate [ 25191.94 ] > Y coordinate of the point in user units.

>Enter Z coordinate [ 5077.177 ] > Z coordinate of the point in user units.

>Enter symbol number [ 92.0 ] > Symbol to be plotted at the point location. The following options are currently available: 91 : circle 92 : cross (+) 93 : cross (x) 94 : triangle 95 : box 96 : diamond 97 : star 98 : pie segment >Enter symbol size [ 1.5 ] > Size in millimeters of the symbol to be plotted at the point location.

>Enter symbol colour [ 6.0 ] > Color of the symbol to be plotted at the point location.


Are these parameters correct? [Y]/N> Any response other than <return>,Y or y will prompt the user to repeat the point edit.


For snapmode LINES: Select string to edit atributes with F2 button/key... String [ 10.00] selected ...


String attributes :-

PVALUE = 10.00

PTYPE = 4.00

PCODE = 1005.00

P = 6.00


Are these parameters correct? Y/[N]> Any response other than <return>, N or n will prompt the user to select another string.


Enter string PVALUE [ 10.0 ]

Enter string PTYPE [ 4.0 ]

Integer string type number 1-6. Enter string PCODE [ 1005.0 ]

PCODE line type numbers available: 1001. Narrow line 1002. Thick line 1003. Dashed line 1004. Dotted line 1005. Dashed and dotted line Enter string

P [ 6.0 ] > P is the color of the string to be plotted.


Are these parameters correct? [Y]/N> Any response other than <return>,Y or y will prompt the user to repeat the string edit.


Edit mode will remain in operation until it is turned off, by the selection of a new command is chosen. The CA (Cancel) command is often used for this purpose.




Edit current perimeter using screen cursor (like DP).




Erase the selected survey string and current and secondary profile/perimeters if held in memory. If a current string is selected (using SS command) the following message is displayed:-


Erase current survey string (DDDDD.DD) ? >CONFIRM ? OK to delete; <return> to keep.


If current and secondary profiles/perimeters are stored in memory, the user will be prompted to confirm their deletion:-


Erase current perimeter (DDDDD.DD) ? >CONFIRM ? OK to delete; <return> to keep.

Erase secondary perimeter (DDDDD.DD) ?. >CONFIRM ? OK to delete; <return> to keep.




Evaluate (calculate area of) the current and secondary perimeters. The area will be as projected onto the current window.




Exit from survey editor. The user will be prompted for confirmation:-

Are you sure you wish to exit SURVIG ? >Confirm [N]Y > Y to exit SURVIG; <return> to cancel and continue.




Get all points/strings into memory from file. The following interaction will be required:-


>Get input(0) or update(1) data? [ 0] >

All the point/string data in the selected files will be appended to any already stored in memory. Use EA to remove all strings first, if required. If the maximum number of points or strings is exceeded, the command is terminated .




Get profile/perimeter from the profile file. If a current profile is held in memory, it will become the secondary perimeter. Any secondary perimeter will be removed from memory, if confirmed:-


The old current string will become the secondary string. Please confirm. >Confirm Y/[N]> If any reply other than Y or y is received, the command DP is terminated.


The following interaction will be required:-


The current perimeter will become the secondary perimeter. GP will get a new current perimeter.

Input (0 or blank) or output file (1) ? >FILENO.>

Please supply PVALUE (of type N) for new perimeter. >VALUE >

Please supply PERIOD (of type N) for new perimeter >VALUE >




Get a single string from the input or update files. The following interaction will be required:-

>Get input(0) or update(1) data? [ 0] > >String ID -PVALUE [ 14821 ] > If the string exists in memory, a warning will be issued and confirmation requested before it is replaced.




Display a command summary.




Insert point into a selected segment. An insert mode will be entered, where the user will be requested to select the current segment using the screen cursor:- Select LINE for point insertion using F2 button/key ... The user will then be prompted to define the point for insertion. F1 button will select a point from the current window at the cursor position. F2 will function according to the snapmode in force. Snapmode points will prompt:-

Select point to be inserted (F2 will snap to POINTS)...


Snapmode lines will prompt:- Select point to be inserted (F2 will snap to LINES)...

Snapmode grid will prompt:- Select point to be inserted (F2 will snap to GRID)...


Using F2 existing points, a point on an existing string segment or a grid intersection may be inserted into the current segment. Point insert mode will remain in operation until it is turned off, either by the selection of a new command is chosen. The CA (Cancel) command is often used for this purpose.




Join two strings end of first to start of second. The following interaction will be required:- Select end of first string with F2 button/key ... Select start of second string with F2 button/key .. The strings will then be joined. The new combined string will take the attributes stored for the first string selected.




Link survey points and strings into a terrain model. The triangulated surface will be constrained by string segments. If duplicate points or crossing strings exist, the process will attempt to resolve the problems and display a number of warning messages. If a model cannot be constructed, an error message will be displayed, detailing the cause of the problem. The model can be displayed using the WD command or permanently displayed by setting the default in the DF command.




Move survey points. The following interaction will be required:- Select point to be moved with F2 button/key ... Select new location (F2 will snap to lines) ... Button/Key F1 will move the selected point to the cursor position in the current window plane. Button/Key F2 will move the selected point to the snapped position on the nearest line segment.




Define a new survey string using the screen cursor in the current window. The user will be prompted for the following information:-


>String ID -PVALUE [ ] >

>Period ID -PERIOD [ ] >

>String type -PTYPE [ ] >


The user will then get the following message before continuing to define the new survey string:-


Cursor button definitions for NS are:- Button 1 Defines a point after current point. Button 2 Deletes current point. Button 3 Snap to required object.




Set out survey measurements from a selected survey base line to a selected string of points. The following interaction will be required:-


Select survey station with F2 button/key ... Select reference station with F2 button/key ...


COORDINATES :- SURVEY STATION REFERENCE STATION ID = 201.0 ID = 137.0 X = 14816.8 X = 14770.3 Y = 25191.9 Y = 25208.5

LINE DATA :- Azimuth : 289.36 Distance : 49.34

>Are these parameters correct? [Y]/N> If any reply other than <return>,Y or y is received the survey and reference point selection will be repeated.


The methods available for setting strings out are :

1. Radial angle and horizontal distances

2. Offsets from extended reference line

>Enter your option [ 1] >


For 1:

By Radial angle and distance.


Select string to set out with F2 button/key ... String [ 11.00] selected ...


Do you wish to send the display to a plot file ? >Y/[N]>


Survey station no.: 201.00 Ref.station no.: 137.00

Azimuth : 289.3559 Horizontal dist. : 49.34

STRING POINT HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL AZIMUTH ID ID ANGLE DISTANCE 11.00 204.00 72.1852 37.82 1.5452 11.00 205.00 91.2927 25.42 21.0527 11.00 206.00 140.4915 15.43 70.2514


For 2:

By offsets from extended reference line.

The methods available for setting strings out by line offsets are :


1. Plan offsets

2. Grade offsets at the selected survey stations.

>Enter your option [ 1] >


For 1: Plan offsets.

>Enter extension distance [ 13.1 ] >

>Enter offset spacing [ 3.0 ] >

>Enter origin station id [ 193.0 ] >


Select right wall string to set out with F2 button/key ... String [ 9.00] selected; PTYPE = 4.00

Select left wall string to set out with F2 button/key ... String [ 7.00] selected; PTYPE = 4.00


Do you wish to send the display to a plot file ? >Y/[N]>

Survey station no.: 192.00 Ref.station no.: 193.00

Azimuth : 352.1159 Horizontal dist.: 13.10

Extension distance : 30.0000 Offset spacing : 3.00

Right wall string : 9.00 Right wall PTYPE : 4.00

Left wall string : 7.00 Left wall PTYPE : 4.00



192.00 193.00 193.00 0.00 9.2 9.7 192.00 193.00 193.00 3.00 9.2 9.5


For 2: Grade offsets at selected survey stations

Enter distance above floor string [ 0.926041 ] >2

Select floor string to set out with F2 button/key ... String [ 1.04] selected; PTYPE = 4.00

Select roof string to set out with F2 button/key ... String [ 1.03] selected; PTYPE = 3.00



Do you wish to send the display to a plot file ? Y/[N]>



Survey station no.: 12.00 Ref. station no. : 19.00

Azimuth : 95.2550 Horizontal dist. : 35.74

Floor string : 2.00 Floor string PTYPE : 1.04

Roof string : 4.00 Roof wall PTYPE : 1.03

Distance to be carried above floor string : 3.00


STATION CHAIN FLOOR ROOF AT LENGTH DISTANCE DISTANCE12.00 4.885 2.00 5.0 19.00 4.775 2.00 5.0

>PA REDRAW [/DR] Refresh screen display.

>PC PLOT CONTROL [/CL] Set or modify Plot Control defaults.



  1. Character size [9.9] and aspect ratio [9.9].

  2. Default colour [99].

  3. Superimposed plot file name [PPPPPPPP].

  4. PTYPE display attributes:- Symbol Line PTYPE Code Colour Code Colour 1 [99] [99] [9999] [99] 2 [99] [99] [9999] [99] 3 [99] [99] [9999] [99] 4 [99] [99] [9999] [99] 5 [99] [99] [9999] [99] 6 [99] [99] [9999] [99]

  5. Point display attributes: Field Type Display Chrsze Ndec Rotate Xoff Yoff [PID] [N] [OFF] [99.9] [9] [99] [99] [99] [Z ] [N] [OFF] [99.9] [9] [99] [99] [99]

  6. Section display control: Attribute Point Symbol String Segment [ OFF] [ ON] [ ON]

  7. Command category fillcode [9999]. 8) Command category text colour [99].

    0.    Return to main process


>Option [ ] > Enter 0-6.


In all the responses below pressing just <return> will cause the previous default value to be retained,

>> will skip to the next line of input (e.g. next PTYPE under option 4),

< will repeat the previous prompt,

! will terminate input. All OFF/ON switches will be set to a default value opposite to that currently in force.


For 1:

Set character size and aspect ratio:-

>Charsize > Enter size in mm (>0-<100).

>Aspratio > Enter ratio width/height (>0-<10). The character size and aspect ratio selected will be used for grid, window annotation and command menu display. It will also affect the size of annotation for plotted contours generated by command CO.


For 2:

Set default color for plotting :-

>Colour > Enter color (1-16). The color will be used for annotation and grid plotting.


For 3:

Set file name for superimposed plot;-

>DATAMINE FILENAME? > Once a plot file name has been given, then this plot will be superimposed each time the PA command is given. This contrasts with SU, which superposes the plot just once.


For 4:

Set PTYPE field display attributes :

PTYPE X >Symbol Code [ SS.S ] > A symbol is defined by one of the following codes:- 91 - Circle 92 - Cross (+) 93 - Cross (x) 94 - Triangle 95 - Box 96 - Diamond 97 - Star () 98 - Pie Segment

>Symbol Colour [ S.S ] > A symbol color number must be supplied in the range 1-16.

>Linecode [ LLLL.L ] > A linestyle is defined by one of the following codes:- 1001 - Unbroken line 1002 - Broad unbroken line 1003 - Long dashed line 1004 - Dotted line 1005 - Dash-Dot line

>Linecolour [ L.L ] > A line color number must be supplied in the range 1-16. The PTYPE display attributes may be set for PTYPES in the range 1-6. New strings defined on the screen will have the attributes assigned by the PTYPE number selected.


Set point display attributes :-

Set point field PID display :-

1) OFF 2) ON

>Option [ ] > Enter the required option.


If the point field display is turned on, the point data will be displayed according to the supplied character size, rotation, offsets, and decimal places.

>Charsize [ 2.5 ] >

>Rotation [ 315.0 ] >

>Xoffset [ 1.0 ] >

>Yoffset [ 1.0 ] >


Set sectional point attribute display :-

1) OFF 2) ON

>Option [ ] > Enter the required option.

If point attribute display is turned off, the display of selected point data will be suppressed in any window with a dip greater than 30 or less than -30 degrees.


Set sectional point symbol display :-

1) OFF 2) ON

>Option [ ] > Enter the required option.


If point symbol display is turned off, the display of point symbols will be suppressed in any window with a dip greater than 30 or less than -30 degrees.


Set sectional string segment display :-

1) OFF 2) ON

>Option [ ] > Enter the required option.


If string segment display is turned off, the display of string segments will be suppressed in any window with a dip greater than 30 or less than -30 degrees.


Set color fillcode for command category boxes :-


> Enter colour (1126-1140).


The color fillcode will be used for the plotting of the command category boxes.


Set color for command category text :-


> Enter colour (1-16).


The color for command category text plotting.


For 0 or <return>, the user will return to the main process.




Profile/Perimeter interpolation. The user will be prompted to select a string of points whose XY values will be used to interpolate Z values from a second selected string. This facility is useful for the construction of roof and floor underground drive strings where few elevations have been located, but the full plan outline of the drive has been surveyed.




Make a plot file of the screen display or make a plot file containing the display of the operation of various commands. The user will be prompted as shown below :-


A plot may be generated of the current display, with primary and secondary strings/perimeters, or a plot may be generated to display the operation of following commands. Please select required option :-


1) Current display.

2) Following commands.

Option [1] >


If option 1 is selected, the plot will contain the current frame, with the current and secondary strings/perimeters. If option 2 is selected, the plot will contain all display features produced by following commands until the PA (repage) command is used to refresh the display and close the plot file.

Whichever option is taken, the user will then be prompted for the plot file name :-


Plot file name ?>




Display all profiles from file for the current PERIOD into all windows on to the screen.




Query a pair of points. Two points must be identified with the screen cursor. These points may belong to the current string, the secondary string or the current template. Once QP has been activated :-


Snap onto two points with the screen cursor.


Once the points have been identified, a red line between them will be shown on the display and the following data will be shown on the text screen :-



Line data :- Azimuth : AAA.AA Dip : D.DD degrees Length : LL.L Elevation difference : E.E




Query (provide statistics on) a string. If no current string is selected, it will be requested:- Select string to query using button/key F2 ... The information provided is the range of the X, Y and Z co-ordinates, the plan and slope length of the string. If the string is closed, the first point is repeated at the end, the area is also given.




Reverse the selected survey string. If no current string is selected the following message is displayed:-

Select string to reverse using button/key F2 ...




Set or reset reference points for digitization. This command must be used if the plan position on the digitizer has been changed since digitizing the previous set of points, as the system has no means of knowing when this has been done. The command DI will automatically request the reference points if none have been digitized in the current SURVIG session. The user is requested to enter the points in the following manner:-



Enter the coordinates of at least THREE points on the sheet to be digitized. Enter ! to the X prompt to terminate entry.


Enter the coordinates of point 1 (Required) X Coord> Enter X coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value) Y Coord> Enter Y coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value) Z Coord> Enter Z coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value)


Enter the coordinates of point 2 (Required) X Coord> Enter X coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value) Y Coord> Enter Y coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value) Z Coord> Enter Z coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value)


Enter the coordinates of point 3 (Required) X Coord> Enter X coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value) Y Coord> Enter Y coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value) Z Coord> Enter Z coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value)


Enter the coordinates of point 4 (Optional) X Coord> Enter X coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value) Y Coord> Enter Y coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value) Z Coord> Enter Z coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value)


Up to eight coordinates can be entered in the above form.


Now digitize the reference points in the same order

Point 1: X:X1REF coord Y:Y1REF coord Z:Z1REF coord

Point 2: X:X2REF coord Y:Y2REF coord Z:Z2REF coord

Point 3: X:X3REF coord Y:Y3REF coord Z:Z3REF coord

Point 4: X:X4REF coord Y:Y4REF coord Z:Z4REF coord


Up to eight coordinates can be entered in the above form.



Actual Coordinates

Computed Coordinates




Are these errors acceptable? >CONFIRM ? > Enter OK, ok, YES, yes, Y or y to start digitizing profile/perimeter; N,n,NO,no to re-digitize the reference points.




Run a macro from a system file containing a set of commands for the SURVIG process. Macros may not be nested, unless the final command in each is RU.



The macro must only contain valid commands and their data. Nesting is not permitted. Enter the name of the system file to execute >SYSFILE> The system file name (up to 56 chars) containing the macro.




List an index of all currently held survey strings.




Change the snap mode between point, line and grid mode. Therefore each time SM is activated the user will get the message :-

Button 2 will snap to LINES. OR Button 2 will snap to POINTS. OR Button 2 will snap to GRID.


The current snap mode will also be shown in the information box in the top right hand corner of the display.




Set new viewing window orientation, using cursor activated screen icons. The user must first identify a current point in the current window, by use of the cursor and the F2 button on some point along the current string, or by using the F1 button on any point required. This point will be shown by a cross on the display and the coordinates of the point will be listed on the text screen. The SO command is then activated, and two viewing direction icons will be displayed on the right hand side of the screen. The top icon is used to define the azimuth direction of the new view. The bottom icon is used to define the dip of the new viewing plane, with the convention of positive = downwards. Both icons are cursor- controlled in the same way. The angles they represent may be incremented up or down by an amount, with the cursor put in the main body of the icon and pressing F1. The amount of this increment is shown in a small window underneath each icon and may be changed itself by using the cursor and F1 in this part of the window. The actual dip and viewing azimuth angles are also shown numerically. Principal angles e.g. 90 , 180 degrees , may be set by using the cursor and F1 in small windows with these angles written in underneath the icons. When the user is satisfied with the viewing azimuth and dip angles that have been set, using the cursor and F1 in the window area of the display will cause the complete display to be refreshed. The current window will be set at the new orientation, and the selected current point will be at the central point of this window. The scale of the window will be unchanged.




Select string for editing. This allows a current string to be selected by the cursor;- Select string with F2 button/key ... If the command is cancelled, without selecting a new current string, there will be no current string set.




Superimpose an existing plot file. The data area of the plot file will be scaled to fit the current window. >DATAMINE FILENAME? > Enter name of plot file. The SU command plots the given name once. See the PC command for permanent plotting. In addition to the normal DATAMINE plot file fields, the file must contain the implicit fields SAZI, SDIP, XCENTRE, YCENTRE and ZCENTRE. The default values of these fields describe the section orientation and position of the plot that is to be superimposed. The azimuth and dip of any supplied plot must therefore match the azimuth and dip of one of the current SURVIG windows. The plot will be correctly positioned, scaled and clipped as required.




Section volume computation. The volume of the profiles for the current period will be computed and written to the output results file. If profiles are available for the previous period (PERIOD - 1.0), then an incremental volume will also be computed and written to the output results file.




Switch current and secondary perimeters (the current perimeter becomes the secondary, and vice versa).




Set up new section orientation in current window, based on a plane which is orthogonal to the the current one, and is orientated according to two defined points supplied by the user. It is very useful for switching from a plan to a vertical section, which cuts through some particular area of interest on the display. When TP is activated, the user is prompted:-


Define two points for new section orientation


The user must then define these two points with the screen cursor. These two points will be the left and the right hand side points, respectively, of the new section plane, and the mid-point between them will be the centre point of the new section plane.




Add or remove temporary retrieval criteria.


If retrieval criteria already established:


>>> CURRENTLY ESTABLISHED RETRIEVAL CRITERIA Existing retrieval criteria listed


Enter further retrieval criteria required >>> OK <<<

If no retrieval criteria established:


>>> SUPPLY RETRIEVAL CRITERIA IF ANY >>> TERMINATED BY A BLANK LINE >>>>Enter retrieval criteria required >>> OK <<<




Toggle window command. If there is more than one window in the current display, then display will be regenerated, with the previous current window becoming the new single window. The next use of TW will toggle back to the previous multi-window set-up.




Create profile strings by slicing the current terrain model in each section plane stored in the SECTION file. The strings generated will be assigned the section number as the PVALUE field value. If more than one string is generated for a slice, the PVALUE for each string will be incremented by 0.01. Each profile string will be written to the PROFILE file with the following field values provided by interaction:-


>Period ID -PERIOD [ ] >

>String type -PTYPE [ ] >

>Profile name -PTEXT [ ] >


Default will be assigned according to the current PERIOD.

Profiles that exist for the current period in the PROFILE file will be replaced.




Write all survey points and strings to the output files.

Strings in the output file with the same PVALUE as one being written out will be replaced.




Wireframe terrain model display in all windows.




Write current perimeter to profile file. The following interaction will be required:-

>String ID -PVALUE [ PPPPP.P ] >

>Period ID -PERIOD [ P.P ] >

>String type -PTYPE [ P.P ] >

>String colour -P [ P.P ] >

>Profile name -PTEXT [ ] >


If the PVALUE and PERIOD supplied already exist, they will be over-written.




Wireframe model slice display in all windows. This may also form strings based on the slice outlines produced in the current window :-

If just one such outline has been produced :-


Convert wireframe slice into string Y/[N]>


If more than one string is formed due to this slicing, they will all be displayed on the screen, and then :-


Wireframe slicing has created N strings. Please indicate if one of these strings should become the new current string and then select the required string with the screen cursor.


Convert wireframe slice into string Y/[N]>


The selected string will become the new current string.




Extend a string by adding new points to the selected end. The user will be requested to select the string with the cursor.



The process will find the nearest end point on the selected string. Points may then be added using F1 button to define new points, or F2 button to snap onto existing points/segments.




Set a new window pattern, or redefine an existing window section plane orientation.


The user will be prompted for the following information, defaults will be provided:-

Please specify window pattern required :


0 "Standard" cube, four windows

1 One window, maximum size

2 Two adjacent vertical windows

3 Two horizontal windows

4 Three adjacent vertical windows

5 Three horizontal windows

6 Four windows in 2 x 2 pattern

7 User-defined window selection

8 Modify an existing window

9 No changes >Pattern [ 1] >


For patterns 1-6, each window in the pattern will require interaction as follows:-


Define scaling for window 1

Set section plane position and orientation. Please select one of the following :-


1 Vertical or inclined section defined about centre point.

2 Vertical section defined by end points.

3 Plan view defined by corner points.

4 Isometric projection.

5 Section from section definition file.

>Option [ 3] >


Option 1 will require interaction as follows:-

>X centre coordinate [ XXXXX.X ] >

>Y centre coordinate [ YYYYY.Y ] >

>Z centre coordinate [ ZZZZZ.Z ] >

>Section azimuth [ AA.A ] >

>Section dip [ AA.A ] >

>Section HSIZE [ DDD.D ] >

>Section VSIZE [ DDD.D ] >

Section plane parameters are :-


X Centre Coordinate = XXXXX.X

Y Centre Coordinate = YYYYY.Y

Z Centre Coordinate = ZZZZ.Z

Section azimuth = AAA.A

Section dip = AAA.A

Section HSIZE = DDD.D

Section VSIZE = DDD.D

>Are these correct? [Y]/N >


If any reply other than Y or y, interaction is repeated from the beginning.

Option 2 will require interaction as follows:-


Define XY co-ordinates of ends of section :-

>X1 coordinate [ XXXXX.X ] >

>Y1 coordinate [ YYYYY.Y ] >

>X2 coordinate [ XXXXX.X ] >

>Y2 coordinate [ YYYYY.Y ] >

Define Z elevations at bottom and top of section :-


>Bottom elevation [ ZZZZ.Z ] >

>Top elevation [ ZZZZ.Z ] >


Section plane parameters are :-

X1 Coordinate = XXXXX.X

Y1 Coordinate = YYYYY.Y

X2 Coordinate = XXXXX.X

Y2 Coordinate = YYYYY.Y

Bottom elevation = ZZZZ.Z

Top elevation = ZZZZ.Z

>Are these correct? [Y]/N > If any reply other than Y or y, interaction is repeated from the beginning.


Option 3 will require interaction as follows:-

Define plan corner coordinates :-

>X1 coordinate [ XXXXX.X ] >

>Y1 coordinate [ YYYYY.Y ] >

>X2 coordinate [ XXXXX.X ] >

>Y2 coordinate [ YYYYY.Y ] >


Define elevation of plan view :-

>Plan elevation [ ZZZZZ.Z ] >


Plan parameters are :-

X1 Coordinate = XXXXX.X

Y1 Coordinate = YYYYY.Y

X2 Coordinate = XXXXX.X

Y2 Coordinate = YYYYY.Y

Plan elevation = ZZZZZ.Z

>Are these correct? [Y]/N > If any reply other than Y or y, interaction is repeated from the beginning.


Option 4 will require interaction as follows:-

Define XY corner points of isometric box :-

>X1 coordinate [ XXXXX.X ] >

>Y1 coordinate [ YYYYY.Y ] >

>X2 coordinate [ XXXXX.X ] >

>Y2 coordinate [ YYYYY.Y ] >


Define Z elevations at bottom and top of isometric box :-

>Bottom elevation [ ZZZZZ.Z ] >

>Top elevation [ ZZZZZ.Z ] >


Supply viewing angle in degrees clockwise from north:- >Viewing angle [ AAA.A ] >

Supply elevation angle in degrees up from horizontal :- >Elevation angle [ AA.A ] >


Isometric projection parameters are :-

X1 Coordinate = XXXXX.X

Y1 Coordinate = YYYYY.Y

X2 Coordinate = XXXXX.X

Y2 Coordinate = YYYYY.Y

Bottom elevation = ZZZZ.Z

Top elevation = ZZZZ.Z

Viewing angle = AAA.A

Elevation angle = AA.A

>Are these correct? [Y]/N >


>>> WHICH SECTION DO YOU WANT (OR ? FOR A LIST) If any reply other than Y or y, interaction is repeated from the beginning.

Option 5 will require interaction as follows:-




If pattern 7 is selected (User-defined window selection), interaction is as follows:

Define lower left and upper right corners of window 1 using cursor (or a new command to terminate window definitions)


The user will then be prompted to select the section plane position and orientation, as for patterns 1-6.


If pattern 8 is selected (Modify an existing window) interaction is as follows:

Do you want to :-

(1) Set completely new orientation,


(2) Displace window 1 centre in X,Y,Z >OPTION?>


Selection of option 1 will proceed to prompt the user to select the section plane position and orientation, as for patterns 1-6. Option 2 interaction is as follows:-


Centre currently at X= 14815.00 Y= 25175.00 Z= 5080.00

Please supply displacements in each direction:-


>X displacement [ X.X ] >

>Y displacement [ Y.Y ] >

>Z displacement [ Z.Z ] >


Centre currently at X= XXXXX.XX Y= YYYYY.YY Z= ZZZZ.ZZ

Displaced centre at X= XXXXX.XX Y= YYYYY.YY Z= ZZZZ.ZZ


>CONFIRM ? > If any reply other than Y or y, interaction is repeated from the beginning.




Zoom in or out. The user will be prompted first to identify with the screen cursor the bottom left hand corner of the area required, inside the current window :-


Zoom current window no. N Pick lower left corner of new window, or select "ZOOM" again for previous view.

Once this point has been identified, it will be highlighted with large cross-hairs on the display, and the user will be prompted to identify the top right hand corner of the new window :-


Zoom current window no. N Pick upper right corner of new window, or select "ZOOM" again for previous view.


This new view, if taken from the original window, will now be called view 2, and this will be shown on the top right information box on the display. If this view is further zoomed, view 3 will be created and so on. To retreat, in effect zooming outwards, back to a previous view, the ZO command should be activated twice, without any cursor definition of new window areas. If the user is at view 1, i.e. the top level window view, and ZO is activated twice, a new expanded view 1 will be created, based on an overall expansion of 50% from the original view.



Open Pit Survey Update.

The following represents the command syntax required to run the SURVIG process to update a topographic survey with an open pit excavation survey and would be the required entry in a macro of commands to enter the survey editor. Note that the ** macro entry allows control to pass from the macro to the screen cursor.



Error and Warning Messages




*** Error - Field ffffffff missing in point file.

An input point file has a missing essential field ffffffff. The file name supplied may not be a survey point file as output by the SURTAC process.

Check the fields of the file with process DDLIST. Fatal; the process is exited.




*** Error - Field ffffffff in point file implicit or alpha.

An input point file has an essential numeric and explicit field ffffffff that is of the incorrect type. Fatal; the process is exited.

 If the contents of the field are correct, use ALFNUM to convert the field to numeric. If the field is implicit, it can be converted to explicit type using process FILEXP.




*** Error - Field ffffffff missing in string segment file.

An input segment file has a missing essential field ffffffff. The file name supplied may not be a survey segment file as output by the SURTAC process.  Fatal; the process is exited

Check the fields of the file with process DDLIST.




*** Error - Field ffffffff in string segment file implicit or alpha.

An input segment file has an essential numeric and explicit field ffffffff that is of the incorrect type.  Fatal; the process is exited.

If the contents of the field are correct, use ALFNUM to convert the field to numeric. If the field is implicit, it can be converted to explicit type using process FILEXP.




*** Error - field ffffffff missing in profile file.

The input profile file has a missing essential field ffffffff. The file may not be a standard DATAMINE perimeter file, or may be missing the PERIOD field, used to identify different surveys.  fatal; the process is exited.

In the latter case, the field can be added using the ADDDD process.




*** Error - Storage required for points (NNNNNNNN) exceeds limit.

The input point files and @ADDPOINT parameter require internal storage space that exceeds the limitations of the process.  Fatal; the process is exited.

Refer to the Notes section.




*** Error - Contour minimum greater than maximum supplied.

The minimum contour value must be less than the maximum contour value.

Check the input values and re-run the CONTOUR [/WC] command.




*** Error - Interval supplied does not match limits.

The difference between the contour minimum and maximum values must be divisible by the contour interval, with no remainders.





*** Error - Unacceptable value : variable unchanged.

A value has been supplied by the user that does not fall within acceptable limits. These limits vary according to the default being changed.





*** Error - No section file has been defined.

A section definition file name &SECTION must be supplied by the user when running the process, to enable storage of section definitions created by this command.





*** Error - Cannot do this operation when snapping to grid.

The user must be in point or line snap mode, so that the edit can be conducted on selected point or string attributes.





*** Error - Input point file not supplied.

An attempt has been made to input data from input or update files that have not been supplied by the user at run-time.





*** Error - Input point file not supplied.

An attempt has been made to input data from input or update files that have not been supplied by the user at run-time.





*** Error - String not found in file.

The selected string does not exist in the input or update segment file.

This can be checked on exit from SURVIG by using process COUNT on the input segment files, on keyfield PVALUE. This will give a listing of all string numbers in the file.




*** Error - no more room in memory to load more strings.

An attempt has been made to load a string when the @ADDPOINT parameter has been exceeded.

Write all of the survey data to the output files with the WRITE SURVEY DATA [/FW] command and re-enter SURVIG with a larger @ADDPOINT value.




*** Error - No more room available to store new point.

The @ADDPOINT parameter has been exceeded. This error will not cause a failure in the process.

Write all of the survey point and segment data to the output files with the WRITE SURVEY DATA [/FW] command and then re-enter SURVIG with a larger @ADDPOINT value to continue input of new data.




*** ERROR - Out of point storage space, cannot complete new string.

The @ADDPOINT parameter has been exceeded. This error will not cause a failure in the process.

Write all of the survey point and segment data to the output files with the WRITE SURVEY DATA [/FW] command and then re-enter SURVIG with a larger @ADDPOINT value to continue input of new data.




*** Error - Unacceptable value : variable unchanged.

A value has been supplied by the user that does not fall within acceptable limits. these limits vary according to the default being changed.





*** This is not a standard plot file <<<

A plot file which is superimposed must have all of the normal DATAMINE plot file fields.





*** Cannot find section definition fields in the plot file <<<

A plot file which is superimposed must have all of the normal DATAMINE plot file fields, in addition to the implicit fields SAZI, SDIP, XCENTRE, YCENTRE and ZCENTRE. The default value(s) of these extra fields define the orientation and position of the plot being superimposed.





*** Cannot find a sectional window with the same orientation as the plot file <<<

The implicit values of the fields SAZI, SDIP, XCENTRE, YCENTRE, ZCENTRE define the position and orientation of the plot file.





*** Error - Profile file not defined on input.

Cannot use SV sub-command.

Supply a profile file name when executing the SURVIG process, that will allow storage of section profiles to be used in volume calculations.




*** Error - Section file not defined on input.

Cannot use SV sub-command.

Supply a section file name when executing the SURVIG process. The section definitions, used to generate the section profiles, are required in this command to close each profile to the upper limit of the section plane, for the computation of profile area.




*** Error - No profiles stored in file FFFFFFFF


Update profiles with sub-command UP before using SV sub-command.

Section profiles for the current PERIOD must be produced by command UPDATE PROFILES [/PU] prior to using the COMPUTE VOLUMES [/PV] command.




*** Error - reading profile file.

The process has been unable to read section profiles from the input file. This may have been caused by internal corruption of the file or by its accidental removal since execution of the SURVIG process, on operating systems that support multiple users.





*** Error - Less than two sections within the limits supplied. Check the limits are correct and that sections are stored for the range in the input/output section file FFFFFFFF.

The process must be able to find two or more section definitions and profiles in order to compute a volume. The range of sections supplied must be found in both the section definition and the profile file.





*** Error - reading section file.

The process has been unable to read section definitions from the input file. This may have been caused by internal corruption of the file or by its accidental removal since execution of the SURVIG process, on operating systems that support multiple users.





*** Cannot change isometric view with the TP sub-command. Must use XY or SO.

This warning message results from the use of the PLANE BY 2 POINTS [/D2] command when the current window is an isometric view.





*** Pointless to toggle window if only one window in current window set-up <<<

This warning message results from the use of the TOGGLE WINDOW [/DT] command when there is only one active window. TOGGLE WINDOW [/DT] toggles between a multi-window and single window set-up.





*** Error - Cannot do this operation without a section file.

*** Error - Cannot do this operation without a profile file.


In order for section profiles to be produced for the current PERIOD, the user must supply a file of section definitions and a file of section profiles, on input. If these file names have been supplied, but do not exist, they will be created. The user will then have to create a series of section definitions with command DEFINE SECTIONS [/PD], prior to using this command.





*** Error - Out of point storage space, cannot complete new string.

The @ADDPOINT parameter value has been exceeded. This error will not cause a failure in the process.

Write all of the survey point and segment data to the output files with the WRITE SURVEY DATA [/FW] command and then re-enter SURVIG with a larger @ADDPOINT value to continue input of new data.




*** Error - Window definition error or no windows defined.