Define Stockpiles for the Scheduler

An explanation of fields and properties

Define Stockpiles for the Scheduler

To access this dialog:

      from theTasksPane, selectScheduler | Stockpiles....


This dialog is used to define all parameters related to any stockpiled material to be used when generating the Schedule.


Field Details:

Stockpile Name: enter the desired stockpile name. It should be unique for your project.

Add Stockpile: add the currentStockpile Nameto the available list of stockpiles.

Delete: remove the currently selected stockpile from theList of stockpiles.

Stockpile Content: enter the currently Stored Tonnage and tonnes per cubic meter Density for the currently selected stockpile.

Then, use the
Gradetable to set up the grade value for each commodity. TheElementlist will as configured during model import (Define Elementsdialog) so are not editable here. Similarly, theUnitwill be set according to theData Typeassociated with each element (again, defined during model import). For example, if a product is defined as a [Grade] element, it will be listed with theUnitof [g/tonne]. TheGradefields are editable and should be set to the cut-off grade for the stockpile.

Stockpile Parameters: define the Maximum Reclaim Rate and associated Reclaim Cost here. You can set the period after which reclaiming occurs by entering a period number into the Reclaim after period field (the default is zero).

Stockpile Economics: you can either use predefined economics for each rock type, as defined in theEconomic Model Settingsdialog, or you can set up custom economics using your own formula using the Define New Economics option.

  • Use Economics of the selected Rock Type allows to select a Rock Type. The Economic Parameters for this rock type will apply to the selected stockpile.

  • Define new Economics requires defining the applicable Processing Method(s) and related Processing Costs and Product Recoveries.

To set up new economics, ensure the previous fields in the dialog contain accepted values, then (for each Method), click inside the cell for processing cost (Proc. Cos) or one of the available product recovery fields to define a formula using Set Formula. The Set Formula dialog lets you define and check your formula before assigning to the selected Method. To remove formula from a field, select it and click Delete Formula.

Check: opens a message window identifying potential errors in defining the stockpile plus the processing destination and Revenue/Processing cost per 1 tonne (or ton).

When the stockpiled grade(s) and/or recovery are low Check will display the following warning:

Once a stockpile is defined you can define the related haulage parameters to compute the truck hours required to transport the stockpiled ore to each of the available destinations, using the Haulage Information wizard. The Stockpile Destinations tab should be populated after defining Rock Destinations and all Haulage Destinations.

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