FMS Pushback Control Parameters

used to define pushback parameters in Flexible Material Scheduler (FMS)

FMS Pushback Control Parameters

To access this dialog:

  • Select Allocation & Flow | Settings... | Optimization and select FMS: Schedule pushbacks and optimize material allocation. Then, select Define Constraints by Pushback.

This dialog is used to define the pushback parameters in Flexible Material Scheduler.

Field Details

Select a mine: drop-down list is grayed out in a single mine project and used to select one of the mines in a project with multiple mines.

Remove all constraints: remove all constraints from all pushbacks (and in all mines for Multimine projects).

Select pushback index between 1 and X: this spin button  allows the user to select which pushback the constraints will apply to.In the example above there are 9 pushbacks, so the user can select a number between 1 and 8. 

Mine at least the lesser of this value and the current pushback content or nothing : In a period FMS will mine either nothing from the pushback or at least the provided tonnage. The exception being when the remaining pushback content is less than the defined tonnage.

Maximum allowed sinking rate: this spin button allows to set the maximum sinking rate for the selected pushback per year for all periods. If the limit is set to 0, there is no limit.

  • The rate limit cannot be exceeded: when this option button is selected the scheduler will not exceed the rate limit regardless of the tonnage mined on each bench.

  • The limit can be exceeded if tonnage mined from the benches is less than xx tonnes: when this option button is selected, the scheduler will exceed the rate limit for the benches that have tonnage less than the provided amount.

Start after period: this spin button allows the user to select after what period the scheduler can start mining this pushback.

Remove constraints for this pushback: this button removes the constraints from the selected pushback

Apply these settings to all remaining pushbacks of this mine: this button allows to apply the settings of a particular pushback to all other pushbacks.

openbook.gif (910 bytes)
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