Material Allocation Optimizer

An overview of MAO

Material Allocation Optimizer (MAO)

Available in: Studio NPV Scheduler, Studio RM Scheduler

What is MAO?

  1. Material Allocation Optimizer (MAO) represents a collection of tools available in Studio NPV Scheduler and Studio RM Scheduler that is used to optimize allocation of inputs (rock types divided into grade classes, stockpiles, external sources) to destinations (processing methods, blended products, stockpiles) subject to quality constraints, blending constraints etc.

    • Lerchs-Grossmann search to locate the economic limits to open pit and generate an NPV optimizing extraction sequence.

    • Resource-based search to find the optimum blended pit and a blended extraction sequence.

  2. Find optimum pit limits and a block-by-block extraction sequence for given geological and economic parameters using one of the following methods:

  3.  Convert the extraction sequence resulting from pit optimization into practical pushbacks, and a pushback-based extraction sequence by applying user-defined criteria like Minimum pushback size and Minimum access width.

  4. Schedule the pushbacks, or any other pit sequence, to meet user-defined mining, haulage, processing and blending targets. A haulage simulation model can be defined with multiple ore and waste destinations which permits a one-step optimization of the life of a mine haulage plan. The optimal schedule is defined as another extraction sequence.

  5. Reevaluate the schedule with Material Allocation Optimizer that accounts for time varying economic parameters, stockpiles and multiple blended products.

MAO Inputs

  •  A block model defining geological and geochemical properties of the mineral deposit.

  •  Economic parameters such as metal prices, mining and processing costs, metal recoveries, etc.

  • Optionally, an externally designed sequence of pushbacks to be scheduled.

MAO Output

  • Pit topographies (surfaces) viewable and exportable as 3D objects, contours and block model fields. In addition to Lerchs-Grossmann ultimate pit and phases, pushbacks and the scheduler annual pits, NPV Scheduler+MAO can generate any configuration of intermediate pits from all extraction sequences it produces.

  • Customizable spreadsheet reports and charts including pit specific reports, bench reserves and grade curves.

  • Viewable and exportable block models with cost/revenue information and pit definitions. Material Allocation Optimizer builds a parcel model with each parcel (sub-cell) tagged by its destination (processing method, stockpile, blended product).


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