Pushback Generator Quick Start

A quick start guide for Pushback Generator

Pushback Generator: Quick Start

  1. Choose pit shell as the limit to the pushback sequence: ultimate pit, one of LG phases or pit ending at a particular block in Pit Optimizer OES.

  2. Set the pushback boundaries parameters that account for remnants minimum allowed size, minimum distance between boundaries and boundary smoothness.

  3. Define pushback minimum sizes:

    • You can use the default control variable (Total Ore) or define another variable.

    • Set the minimum tonnage for a pushback in control variable mass units in the Value column.

    • Optionally, you may set the Maximum pushback depth in the Bench Limit column.

    • If you created a pushback adjustments object, you can select its name in the Adjustments column.

    • If you defined the parameters for Pushback 1 only, all other pushbacks will use the same parameters.

    • If you defined the parameters for Pushback 1, Pushback 4, and Pushback 10; Pushbacks 1 through 3, Pushbacks 4 through 9, and Pushback 10 through the last will use the same sets of parameters.


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