Total Value

Calculating the sum total of all products

Total Value of All Products (more information)


Total Value of All Products is found in the MAO MFO Optimization Settings dialog on the Mine Inputs tab.


  • The Minimum Unit Revenue is calculated as combined value of all products (ex. (Au grams 0.1)*($16 per gram) + (Cu tons 0.12%) * ($3500 per ton))

  • The Maximum Unit Revenue is calculated as combined value of all products (ex. (Au grams 5.0) * ($16 per gram) + (Cu tons 2.0%) * ($3500 per ton))

  • Total of 20 bins:

    • The first bin is for material above Maximum Unit Revenue  

    • The last bin is for material below Minimum Unit Revenue

    • The other18 bins is for the rest of the material



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