Save Surface

An explanation of fields and properties

Save Surface

To access this dialog:

  • This dialog is displayed as a stage of surface import.

Surfaces are imported into your application one by one, but this may require surfaces to be grouped in a single file; for example, if the surfaces represent pushbacks to be used as an input to Scheduler.

Importation will be halted if the imported surfaces fall fully outside of the imported block model hull.

Important: If you import a sequence of surfaces to be saved in a single indicator file, you must import them in the correct order; for example, first 'Pushback 1' followed by 'Pushback 2' etc.


Field Details:

Save as a new file: type the file name.

Append to file: select an existing indicator file; the surface will be appended to that file.


openbook.gif (910 bytes)


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Indicator Files