Pushback Settings: Size Control

An explanation of fields and properties

Pushback Settings: Size Control

To access this dialog:

  • Open the Pushback Settings dialog and select the Size Control tab.

The parameters defined here apply to individual pushbacks unless stated otherwise. Note that if a pushback is not listed in the table provided, the parameters of the nearest preceding pushback will be used.

Field Details:

Pushback: the pushback serial number, for example, 1.

Control: select the size control variable from a list of previously defined variables.

Value: enter the desired maximum size in terms of the selected control variable; for example, 500,000 (tons). Note that the actual pushback size may exceed this value in order to satisfy other requirements

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A pushback's size must be defined before pushbacks can be generated so it is important that at least one Value is defined. If you attempt to generate pushbacks with no Value field entries in the table, you will be warned of this situation and pushback generation will be cancelled.

Bench Limit
: optionally, set the pushback depth limit in terms of benches; see bench elevations for reference.

Adjustments: optionally, select a previously defined pushback Adjustment object. These objects are either created as the result of importing boundary data or manually digitizing a boundary and applying it to a section view, using the Apply Digitizer Boundary dialog. When a pushback boundary is generated by either of these methods, they will be available as an item in this drop-down list. Pushback boundaries support an important attribute that determines how the boundary is treated (the pit shell cannot extend beyond the selected bench, the pushback cannot extend beyond this bench etc.)
Find out more about Digitized Pushback Boundary Parameters...

The Value and Adjustment fields work together; for example, if the pushback boundary adjustment is set to the [PB Forced Limit] option in the Apply Digitizer Boundary dialog, and a value of 100,000,000 tonnes of rock mass is set as the Value, if the boundary adjustment includes less than 100,000,000 tonnes, the actual rock mass value defined by the boundary adjustment will be used, overriding whatever Value is defined here.

Edit Control Variables: edit or add pushback size control variables using the Define Control Variables dialog.

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Pushback Quick Start

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