MAO-MFO Settings: Stockpiles II

An explanation of fields and properties

MAO-MFO Settings: Stockpiles II

To access this dialog:

      Select Allocation & Flow | Settings... | Stockpiles II

Use Stockpiles II to define external sources and stockpiles accepting multiple ore types (optional). Maximum supply rate/reclaim rate, cost of buying/rehandling, and recovery adjustment can be constant or vary over time.

Field Details

Manage Stockpiles and/or External Sources: used to add delete or change the order of multiple stockpiles or External Material Sources.

used to display a dialog to name the Stockpile accepting multiple rock types or to name an external material source

used to delete the selected Stockpile name

used to move stockpiles up or down the list


Define: allows defining Maximum Supply mass, grades, SP recovery adjustment factor, and cost by period

  • Set Formula allows defining formula for Processing Cost and Product Recoveries.

  • Delete Formula deletes the selected formula.

Edit parameters of Stockpile or External Source selected from the above list

Set list of accepted rock types...: used to create the list of accepted rock types or External Sources

  • The parameters defined below are constant over time

  • Max supply or reclaim rate: upper limit on the deliveries from the external source/stockpile in rock mass units per time period (year)

  • Cost of buying or rehandling: the price of the external material or the cost of retrieving ore from the stockpile (per rock mass unit).

Mining Dilution and Mining Recovery are used when calculating the net revenue for material reclaimed from stockpiles. Tonnages and grades are reported with their in-situ values. Mining Dilution and Mining Recovery are not applied to material from External Sources.

Recovery adjustment
: a multiplier adjusting product recovery.

     The parameters vary over time:

§        Allow variable grades: only becomes available for external sources

§        Define: allows defining recovery grade where applicable and defining rehandling costs by period.

§        Total tonnage and constant grades: Initial tonnage if existing material on stockpile needs defined tonnage grades. If the stockpile is empty (new) the field for initial tonnage is left blank.

Check the processes the material is destined for and enter required data:this table is used to define the processing methods as well as processing costs and product recovery fraction.

  1. Set formula:

  2. Delete formula

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MAO-MFO Settings: Stockpiles I