MAO Haulage Information: Exit Benches used in the Allocation & Flow section of the Optimization task |
MAO Haulage Information: Exit Benches
To access this dialog:
Using the Optimization control bar, select Allocation & Flow | Haulage Info... and select Exit Benches or (Mine name> Exits for Multimine projects).
This dialog is used to check and export pushback bench exit data to a .csv file. A tab exists for each pushback source (mine, stockpile, or dump site).
Exit benches are defined for each selected mine. There is one Exit tab for each mine in a multimine project.
The bench exit points are defined by their world coordinates (XYZ). You must define at least one exit bench for each pushback - you can check this by clicking the Check Complete button at any time. The maximum allowed number of exit points is 100.
Field Details:
Choose pushback: from the dropdown list, select a pushback for which the exit points will be defined.
Exit points coordinates: you can type or paste coordinates copied from a spreadsheet. At least one row of the grid has to be filled, and there is no limit to the number of coordinate locations you can specify.
Factor: in pits with relatively large benches and short surface hauls, the bench hauls may not be directly from the block to the bench exit point and can be a significant component of the overall cycle time. In addition, the haulage speed on the bench can be slower than the average flat haul speed.
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