Customize Mouse

Configuring how Studio 3StudioOP reacts to mouse clicks.


To access this dialog:

  • Right-click an empty menu bar area and select Customize, then select the Mouse tab.

  • Right-click a toolbar icon and select Customize, then select the Mouse tab.

The Mouse tab of the Customize dialog is used to set up your mouse for use within your application. Specifically, it will allow you to determine how double-clicks are interpreted within each of the windows available.

 This dialog contains the following fields:

Field details:

View: select a window from the list provided. You can associate double-click 'events' differently for each window.

No double-click event: if you do not wish to associate mouse double-clicks with any actions in the selected View, select this option (default).

Associate double-click event with: selecting this option will activate the command list. You can now select a command from the list that will be performed when the mouse is double-clicked.

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Customize Dialog
Customization Tools

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Customizing Commands

Customizing Keyboard Settings

Customizing Menus

Customizing Toolbars