Generate Grids in Outlines

Generate a grid of strings within an outline

Generate Grids in Outlines

To access this dialog:

  • Edit ribbon | Shapes | Outlines | Generate Grids in Outlines

  • Run the command generate-grids-in-outlines

  • Use the quick key 'gio'

Generate a regular grid of strings within selected outline string data.

Select the origin of the grid, then the size of the grid intervals. You can specify a grid angle using the Azimuth setting.

Grid data will be added to the current object, which can be independent of the closed outline data used to constrain the grid.

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Closed string data must be selected before you can Generate grid strings. Multiple closed strings can be selected.


Field Details:

Anchor Point: either enter an X and Y coordinate, or pick the origin point of the grid using the pick button provided. You can choose an origin point in any displayed 3D window.

Azimuth: enter the azimuth (Degrees) for your grid, or select a string in any 3D window to match the azimuth of the selected item. Snapping is supported if selecting a string to define the azimuth.

Grid Dimensions: define the size, in world units, of the grid intervals in Length and Width.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics

