Environment Options

Setting up general options relating to the interface

Environment Options

To access this dialog:

  • In the Options dialog, select the Environment tab.

The Environment section of the Options dialog is used to set up general properties controlling how your application will be displayed. The following sections are available:

General Tab

TheGeneraltab specifies how your application will appear the next time it is started, and contains the following fields:

  • On Startup: select from the drop-down edit box which of the following behaviors you prefer when starting your application: [Show Start Page], [Load Last Project], [Show Open Project], [Show Project Wizard] and [Show Empty Environment]

  • Recent Lists: use the spin controls to set the numbers of recent project files and data files you wish to see listed on start up.

  • Tip of the Day: use this check box to toggle the tips of the day which are displayed at the bottom of the startup page.

  • Online systems: by default, your application is set to attempt to access online content for certain aspects of its operation (for example, the Start Page will attempt to access a page on the Datamine web site). If this page cannot be accessed, say, if no active internet connection was present, the equivalent offline page would be displayed. You can disable this automatic behavior by selecting or clearing this check box. Selected by default, an online connection will be attempted. You can disable this by clearing the check box, in which case all attempts to display documentation/information will be made using local resources.

Look and Feel Tab

Specify the general appearance of your application, how tabbed windows will be presented and how process dialogs will appear:

  • Look and Feel: each successive version of Windows has had a new look and feel. Select which one you prefer by clicking the appropriate radio button.
  • Environment: choose whether you want your controls bars to be shown as stacked tabs (OneNote® Style) and/or whether you wish to automatically color each tab to make it more distinct, e.g.:

Unstacked Tabs:

Stacked Tabs (OneNote® Style):

No Auto Color option set:


Folders Tab

Specify the location of system folder paths:

  • Projects: use the browse button to identify and select a default folder for your projects.
  • Temporary Files: use the browse button to identify and select a location for any temporary files that may be created when running processes.

User Information Tab

User details for running your application:

  • User ID: specify or edit an identification string relating to the current user.
  • Name: specify or edit the user's name.
  • Organisation: specify or edit the name of your organisation.
  • Address: specify or edit the postal address of your company.

Web Browser Tab

There are two web browser pages embedded within your application which can be customized according to your preferences:

  • Default Start Page: your application has a default start page but you can replace this with any other web page you desire by using the browser.
  • Default Customization Page: similarly, there is a default customization page which can also be changed if so desired.
  • Summit
    This panel allows you to choose whether you display a Datamine Summit page each time your application starts up, and if so, which web address to access. Note that, even if the window is not displayed on startup, it can be displayed at any time using the Home ribbon's Show | Summit Window.

Summit Tab

There are two web browser pages embedded within your application which can be customized according to your preferences:

  • Show Summit Page on Startup: disabled by default, this will show the home page for the currently-defined Summit URL when the application starts (Summit Address, not Auto Scheduler). If disabled, this window is hidden but can be enabled using the Show menu at any time.
  • Compress files before upload: by default, data that is sent to Summit Scheduler (scheduler configuration settings) will be compressed before upload to speed up transfer times. If disabled, no compression will take place and file transfer times will be increased.
  • Summit Address: this is the landing page for the Summit window. This is the URL that you access for data management and other Summit applications such as SOPP.
  • Auto Scheduler: this is the address used by Studio OP's Auto Scheduler when operating in "Summit Scheduler" mode. By default, this address is https://scheduler.summit.dataminesoftware.com/.
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Notes About Auto Scheduler Licensing

Two separate licenses govern access to scheduling functions;

  • Summit Scheduler License

  • Auto Scheduler License

Neither license is included in the Studio OP core system.

  • Access to the remote Summit Scheduler functionality is governed by BOTH licenses; both must be installed in order to connect to a Summit site and launch remote optimization.

    You will also require a Microsoft Live account login that has been registered with the target Summit Scheduler website.

    This login is specific to Summit Scheduler and is separate from any existing Summit login for the purposes of data management or web application access (e.g. SOPP).

  • Access to local optimization requires ONLY an Auto Scheduler license.

Licenses are validated when you attempt to "Start" an optimization.

If you need further guidance on licensing scheduling functions in Studio OP, talk to your local Datamine office.


Cursor Tooltips Tab

Use this tab to configure if cursor tooltips are displayed and if so, the font and font size to be used.


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The Options dialog