Project Options

Project general options

Project Options

To access this dialog:

  • Select Project | Options from the Home ribbon - select the Project category.

This screen is accessed via the Options dialog.

The Project section of the Options dialog is used to configure settings that apply to your project:

Field Details


General project settings:

Confirm wireframe point filename in browser: if selected, you will be prompted to confirm your actions if a wireframe points file is loaded.

Hide empty folders: selecting this option will hide all empty project folders from view (in the Item Bar to the left of the viewing window in a standard interface).

Project File Double Click: sets the double-click action for project file icons. Double-clicking a file in the Project Files window will either i) load the file or ii) open the file using the current default table editor.

Project Switching: if selected, you will be prompted when switching from one project to another. The default setting is checked.

Unload All Data: by default, if you elect to unload all data objects from memory (Data | Unload | All), any changes made to objects in memory since they were originally loaded will cause a prompt to be shown highlighting this situation. To disable this prompt, clear this check box.

Interactive Editing: choose what happens when you double-click the left mouse button during an interactive digitizing command session (e.g. new-string, insert-points-mode, extend-string etc.).

If the Double click to finish check box is enabled, double-clicking will terminate the current command. If disabled, two digitized points will be added, most likely very close to or coincident with each other.


Automatic Updating

The following options allow you to determine if, and how, your project is updated automatically:

Detect new files in the project...: this option, if selected, will ensure that new files recently added to the project will be detected and highlighted when the project file is opened, and the project document will be updated accordingly (for more information on the Studio 3StudioOP data model, see Related Topics)

Detect files added to or removed...: if selected, any files added or removed from the current project will be detected during project usage, and the global project document will be updated automatically.

Automatically update project (no prompts): only available if one or both of the two options above are selected, selecting this option will ensure the project is updated without any prompts. If left clear, you will be prompted to confirm changes to the project file.

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Selecting the Automatically update project option can, depending on the level of project changes, have an affect on system performance. For this reason, this is not set by default. If you are experience system response issues with this option selected, you will need to clear this check box and update your project using an alternative method.


File Exclusions: you can exclude certain files from triggering the 'project update' process. The list shown contains all currently excluded file types. You can use the wildcard symbols '?' and '*' to add variable data. File exclusions will be applied in the order shown in the resulting list. The following actions are possible:

Choose this... do this

New File Exclusion

Create a new file exclusion, using wildcards if necessary.

Delete File Exclusion

Remove the highlighted exclusion from the list.

Move Exclusion Up

Move the selected exclusion up the list.

Move Exclusion Down

Move the selected exclusion down the list.



Project-data-related printing options:

Screen/actual size: show all project data at 100% scale when outputting to the printer.

Fit to printer page size: scale project data printed output to match the media associated with your printer.

Files, Fields, Parameters

The following options determine how command dialogs behave when creating output files:

Save always: running a command will always save over the top of identically-named files if an output file is created.

Restore always: running a command will always restore original files if an output file is created and the resulting filename matches an existing file.

Give a warning when overwriting files: select this option to always prompt when overwriting existing files..

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)  Related Topics


The Options dialog