Grid Format

To access this dialog:

  • Right-click a control bar containing tabular results, e.g. the Design Evaluation control bar.

The Grid Format dialog is used to configure the contents of a tabular control bar.

Field Details:

The following fields are available:

Column list: the left of the screen displays columns to be formatted. Select one of these before you adjust the settings on the right.

Column Order: move the highlighted column up or down the list (if possible) using the Move up and Move down buttons.

Hide column: for the highlighted column, this can be selected to obscure the column from the control bar table. By default, columns are displayed.

Digits after decimal point: for the selected numeric column, you can set the resolution of the displayed information here by either increasing or decreasing the number of decimal points that will be shown.

Use thousands separator: if enabled, a comma will be used to separate the component parts of the displayed numbers for the highlighted column. This separator will be included in the output to the clipboard if this option is used.

Right justify: by default, tabular data will be right-justified. Disable this check box to left-justify numbers.