Hole Manager

An explanation of fields and properties

Hole Manager Dialog

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Format Display dialog (with Static Drillhole data loaded), select the Hole Set tab. Now click Edit Sets....

  • Right click a drillholes overlay in the Sheets control bar and select Format. Select the Hole Set tab. Now click Edit Sets....

The Hole Manager dialog is used to configure the sets of drillhole data ('hole sets') available in the current session, and to configure the contents of each hole set.

Field Details:

This dialog contains the following fields:

Hole Sets List: a list of available hole sets is shown here. This list will always contain a single option if drillhole data is loaded - 'All Holes'. You cannot edit the properties of this list as it shows all drillholes available (although you can still select the New option), regardless of how they are grouped. Selecting any other user-defined hole set reveals the following options

New: adds a new, empty, hole set to the list available.

Add Holes: the currently selected hole set can be appended with this option. Selecting this option displays the New Holes dialog.

Edit: selecting this option displays the Hole Set dialog, allowing you to configure the contents of the currently select hole set.

Rename: rename the current hole set using this option. This button, when clicked, reveals the Hole Set Name dialog.

Delete: delete a user-defined hole set with this option, after confirmation.

note.gif (1017 bytes) Making changes to the properties of a hole set in this dialog will update the contents of theHolescontrol bar.
  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Holes Control Bar Overview
Hole Set Dialog

Format Display Dialog