Studio OP Tutorial - Setup

Creating a project for your tutorial

OP Design Tutorial - Getting Started

A brief exercise to set up a new project for your OP Design tutorial.

Generally, the functions described here represent generic/core Studio product functionality.


  • Your Studio OP installation has access to a valid license.

Exercise: Project Setup (Pit Design Tutorial)

  1. Launch Studio OP and, at the Start page, select New Project...:

  2. Progress the New Project wizard with the following data:

    Name: "PitDesign_Tutorial" (if a project with this name already exists, pick a different name - an empty project is required for this tutorial)
    Location: C:\Database\PitDesign tutorial (or whatever the project name is)
    Automatically add files...: disable (uncheck)

    Otherwise, click Next and Finish to complete the wizard. The 3D window will be displayed.

Exercise: Setting up Initial Pit and Topography

First, define some basic reserves workflow parameters for your project. This includes defining a pit name, topography file and planning model.

  1. Select the Setup ribbon.
  2. Select Pits | Manage
  3. Overwrite the existing "Pit1" description with "Design Tutorial Pit"
  4. Click the Save and Close button:

  5. Next, assign a topography to your pit: click Pits | Surface Topo (this is only enabled once a pit has been defined).
  6. To add a new topography file, click Add and browse to C:\Database\DMTutorials\Data\VBOP\Datamine. Select the file and click Open, then OK to list it on the Manage Topography panel.

    note.gif (1017 bytes)

    The "_vb.." prefix of some Datamine tutorial data represents a legacy project used to support software versions of the past. It refers to the "Viking Bounty" data set, a fictitious open pit operation.

    Selecting the above file will automatically copy it from the target location to the current project folder (within the OPDatabase subfolder).

  7. In the lower table, use the Topography drop-down list to select [_vb_stopotr]:

  8. Click the Save and Close icon.