LAYOUT Process
To access this process:
- Enter "LAYOUT" into the Command Line and press <ENTER>.
Display the Find Command screen, locate LAYOUT and click Run.
See this process in the Command Table.
Note: This process is not actively developer, and has been superseded by Datamine's Ore Controller solution. Contact your local Datamine office for details.
Process Overview
Lay out a blast pattern.
You pick a blast from the input file to work on; this defines both the Bench and Blast numbers which will remain in force until a new blast is chosen.
If the blast specified is not on file (for example, blast 0) then all holes
on the input file will be read, and a dummy rectangular outline constructed
around them. The program automatically works out the co-ordinate limits
of this blast, and will compute a rotation angle to align the major axis
of the blast along the screen X axis; the user may override this if required.
The blast is then shown on the graphics screen.
A set of grid lines in the original co-ordinate system is also shown, rotated
if the blast was rotated. Different colours may be chosen (under user control)
for the two axes, to give an indication of which axis is which. A suitable
grid size is chosen automatically, but the user may change or suppress
this if required (DEFAULTS [/CF] command).
If there are any existing blast-holes on file, these may be read in (GET HOLES [/FO] command) and displayed. A set of colours is automatically chosen to display blast-hole grades in, based upon the first grade field found in the blast-hole file (if any). The user may choose different fields, colours, grade ranges etc. by use of the BLASTHOLE DISPLAY [/CD] command.
A title is automatically generated giving the Bench and Blast numbers; again, this may be substituted by use of the TITLE [/DT] command.
Laying Out Blast Holes
The LAY DOWN PATTERN [/BP] command is used to place one of the defined blast-hole patterns into the Blast outline. The orientation of the blast rows is chosen either by defining two points with the cursor, or by selecting an existing line. The position of the first hole is chosen by cursor and an optional offset may also be entered. The chosen pattern is then laid down within the Blast outline.
Because different parts of the blast often require different patterns, a perimeter may also be defined (DIGITISER [/CD] or NEW PERIMETER [/EN]) before the holes are laid out. The pattern will then be laid within this perimeter as well as within the Blast Outline.
Perimeters may also be used to selectively remove holes either inside or outside any defined region (the CUT HOLES IN PERIM [/DC] command). These perimeters may be stored on the OUTLINES file for future use.
Individual holes may be entered or removed as required through the DEFINE HOLE [/BD] command. A useful feature here, especially when joining two patterns which are at an angle to each other, is the ability to define a new hole halfway between two existing holes.
All holes for the current Blast are stored in an internal working array. These may be written to the HOLES file at any time by the WRITE BLAST HOLES [/FL] command, or retrieved by the GET HOLES [/FO] command. There is no limit to the number of holes that may be defined in a Blast.
Holes may be sequentially numbered by the NUMBER HOLES [/BN] command. If the automatic method of numbering is chosen, then holes are numbered from the top row (as displayed on the screen) to the bottom, on the assumption that the user has oriented the Blast appropriately. A manual method of numbering is also supplied. A third method allows holes to be numbered according to distance from a user-supplied line or string.
Coordinate Systems
LAYOUT can handle either a conventional right-handed co-ordinate system, or the inverted LO co-ordinate system as used in many parts of Africa. If the LO system is used, then all co-ordinates (for perimeters, blast-holes and geology) must be input in this system. The optional parameter COORDTYP is set to 1, and the parameters LOYORIG and LOXORIG must be set to provide a reference point for the system to use for internal data transformation. This internal system is completely transparent to the user, who does not need to use it; all input/output is in the LO system.
Stopping and Restarting
Because most files are keyed by Bench, Blast and Composite number, many different blasts may safely be dealt with in a single set of files. Since LAYOUT will set up any output files with all the appropriate fields if they do not exist on input, there is no need to worry about the format of the output files the first time around. The system has been designed to use these files for both input and output, so that a blast layout can be halted (and LAYOUT exited) mid-way through; re-entry into LAYOUT with the same files and parameters as before will allow the blast layout to be restarted from exactly where it stopped.
Up to 12 blast-hole layout patterns may be defined and stored in the PATTERNS file for use as required. These patterns are defined by row and column spacing and row offsets for up to 5 different rows. For a simple rectangular pattern, only a single row is required. These patterns may be stored in the PATTERNS file and selected as required. The SELECT PATTERN [/BS] command selects a particular pattern, while the UPDATE PATTERN [/BU] command updates patterns. Both commands show all available patterns on the graphics screen, at the scale currently selected.
Process Syntax
Note: The EDIT HOLE [/BT], NUMBER SAMPLES [/BM] and ORIENT HOLES [/BO] commands are not available if an &COLLARS file has not been specified.
AN |
Add annotation to the plot, or remove any existing annotation. The text required (up to 10 lines) is first requested, and then the required position of the top left of the first line of the text is selected by using the cursor. Any set of lines already on the screen (for the current Bench and Blast) will be replaced if a notional box surrounding the new text lines overlaps with a notional box surrounding the old lines. The lines of text entered by the ANNOTATE [/DA] command will be treated as a unit. All text lines are held on the &TEXT file. The size of the text characters is controlled by the current character size: this may be changed by the DEFAULTS [/CF] command. The text character size is expanded or contracted if the picture is ZOomed after the text has been placed. All text lines are always plotted horizontally w.r.t. the current screen X axis. ANNOTATION Enter up to ten consecutive lines of annotation to be shown together on the screen. End with a blank line. ! to terminate, < to re-start lines. > Enter text line. When ten lines (or a blank line) have been entered: >>> COORDS OF TOP LEFT OF FIRST LINE <<< >>> DEFINE START POINT OF TEXT WITH CURSOR <<< Use F1 key or mouse button to select the required position. If within a macro, prompts replace the cursor selection: >X COORDINATE > Enter screen (mm) position in X. >Y COORDINATE > Enter screen (mm) position in Y. |
CH |
Cut holes inside or outside the current perimeter. If no current perimeter is defined, the Blast outline is used. Delete holes inside (I) or outside [O] perimeter ? >[O]/I > Enter <return> to cut (delete) all holes outside the perimeter; <return> to delete all holes inside the perimeter. Note: The display is refreshed if any holes have been deleted. |
CP |
Construction of planimeter lines. It may be necessary to define the Blast Outline in terms of lines at particular distances from the rows or columns of blastholes, for accuracy in volume estimation. These are the lines referred to as 'planimeter lines'. The method of use is to first define a starting current perimeter (NEW PERIMETER [/BN] command) around the edges of the blastholes. Then the CONSTRUCT P/LINES [/??] command may be entered to move either the entire perimeter or individual line segments the required distance at right angles to the starting lines. It is possible to re-move individual lines more than once during CP; each time, the original line is the starting point. The algorithm ensures that the end points of each moved line segment are correctly calculated as the intersection of neighboring line segments. Lines may be moved either to the left or right of their current position, as determined by looking from the start to the end points selected. Thus, for a clockwise perimeter, left is outwards; right is inwards. It is possible that exceptional circumstances, such as lines disappearing or intersecting at very small angles, may cause the projection to be incorrect. The solution is either to abandon the CONSTRUCT P/LINES [/??] operation (in which case the original perimeter will be restored) or to manually edit the perimeter, within CONSTRUCT P/LINES [/??]. Manual editing is also the way of coping with exceptional cases such as ramps, when the projection distance may vary along the line. At the end of the operation, the user may choose to replace the current blast outline with the new perimeter. Following this, the new blast outline will be used for all volume calculations. IN ORDER TO SAVE THE NEW BLAST OUTLINE PERMANENTLY TO FILE, USE THE WRITE BLAST [/FW] COMMAND IMMEDIATELY ON EXIT FROM CONSTRUCT P/LINES [/??]. If you do not do this, the outline will only remain until you get a new blast outline with the GET BLAST OUTLINE [/FB] command. Construction of Planimeter lines For volume estimation, a new blast perimeter will be constructed from the current perimeter. The CP sub-command allows you to move all or part of the current perimeter a given distance to the right or left of the current position. Normally the current perimeter should be drawn along the hole limits on entry to CP. ---- Select start and end of line to be moved with F1 (F2 to cancel) ---- The direction around the perimeter is always clockwise. Select the same point twice for the complete perimeter. ---- Move line to Left or Right, looking from start to end ? ---- >R/[L] > Enter R for Right, L (or <return>) for left. ---- Enter distance to be moved [ 3.00] --- >DISTANCE > Enter the required distance, or just <return> to use the default. Note that the default remains at the last entered distance. Default on first use is 3.00. |
The perimeter, or part perimeter, selected is moved and shown on the screen. If the new perimeter has cross-overs or is otherwise malformed, the message is produced:- ---- Warning - perimeter is malformed ---- Do you want to continue ? >Y/[N] > Enter Y to continue to edit the perimeter; or N or <return> to abandon the CONSTRUCT P/LINES [/??] command. Otherwise, you may continue to move another line or set of lines, or re-move a previously moved line:- ---- Move another line (Y/[N]) (! to abort CP) ? ---- >Y/[N] > Enter Y to re-start line selection; N or <return> to continue ---- Do you want to edit the perimeter (Y/[N]) ---- >Y/[N] > Enter Y to edit the perimeter; N or <return> to continue If editing the perimeter, then any of the EDIT PERIMETER [/BD] functions are available. Note however that use of any command (e.g. REDRAW [/DR]) will terminate the edit process. If the edited perimeter is malformed:- ---- Perimeter unacceptable. You may either re-edit or discard it ---- Re-edit it ? >Y/[N] > Enter Y to re-edit the perimeter; N or <return> to exit CONSTRUCT P/LINES [/??], discarding the perimeter. If the perimeter was acceptable, or not edited:- ---- Replace Blast Outline with this perimeter ([Y]/N) ? >Y/[N] > Enter Y or <return> to accept the new perimeter as the current blast perimeter; N to just leave it as the new current perimeter. |
CU |
Switch between cursor and keyboard input modes. |
DF |
Reset default values. This command allows extra control over many of the standard methods of operation of other commands. CURRENT DEFAULT VALUES ---------------------- 1) CHARACTER SIZE [999.9] AND ASPECT RATIO [999.9]. 2) DEFAULT [99]. 3) FRAME VARIABLES : XINC [999999.99],YINC [999999.99],NDX [9], NDY [9] IGRID [99],XGSTART [999999.99],YGSTART [999999.99] XLABEL [<label>] YLABEL [<label>]. 4) SUPERIMPOSED PLOT FILE NAME [nnnnnnnn]. 5) AUTOMATIC FILLCODE ASSIGNMENT [OFF]. 6) SOURCE FILE FOR PERIMETERS [INPUT ]. 7) PERIMETER FILE NAMES : INPUT [ffffffff],OUTPUT [gggggggg]. 8) RETURN TO MAIN PROCESS >OPTION > Enter 1-8. In all the responses below pressing just <return> will cause the previous default value to be retained, except for filenames and labels, when just <return> will clear them. For 1: SET CHARACTER SIZE AND ASPECT RATIO >CHARSIZE > Enter size in mm (>0-<100). >ASPRATIO > Enter ratio (>0-<10). For 2: SET DEFAULT FOR PLOTTING > > Enter colour (1-16). For 3: These allow the frame and grid parameters to be reset whenever required. Note that the grid is always shown and specified in the user co-ordinate system. This will be rotated with respect to the screen is the blast was rotated. SET FRAMING OPTIONS >XINC > Grid increment in X. >YINC > Grid increment in Y. >NDX > Dec. places for X annotation. >NDY > Dec. places for Y annotation. >IGRID > =0 No grid lines. =4 Full grid. >XGSTART> Grid start point in X. >YGSTART> Grid start point in Y. >XLABEL > X label axis (64 chars). >YLABEL > Y label axis (64 chars). For 4: Once a plot file name has been given, then this plot will be superimposed each time the REDRAW [/DR] command is given. This contrasts with SUPERIMPOSE PLOT [/DS], which superposes the plot just once. SET FILE NAME FOR SUPERIMPOSED PLOT >DATAMINE FILENAME? > Enter name of plot file to be superimposed. For 5: SET AUTOMATIC FILLCODE ASSIGNMENT : 1) OFF 2) ON >OPTION > Enter 1 or 2. In OFF mode, all fillcodes must be entered through cursor or keyboard; in ON mode, 12 fillcodes are set up to span the range of numeric fields. Automatic fillcode assignment is not available for alpha fields or fields with all absent data. For 6: SET SOURCE OF PERIMETERS : 1) NONE. REQUESTED WHEN NEEDED 2) PERIMETER INPUT FILE 3) PERIMETER OUTPUT FILE >OPTION > Enter 1, 2 or 3. Note: This refers to the composite outlines. Since the same file is used for both input and output in LAYOUT, this option has no effect. For 7: SET PERIMETER FILENAMES INPUT PERIMETER FILENAME >DATAMINE FILENAME? > Enter required perimeter filename. This file must exist and be a valid perimeter file. OUTPUT PERIMETER FILENAME >DATAMINE FILENAME? > Enter required filename. If this exists, it will be over-written. |
DH |
Define new holes or edit existing hole locations with the cursor. Definition/Editing of holes with cursor:
To insert a new hole, move the cursor to the required location and press F1 (mouse button 1). The hole will be rejected if it lies on top of an existing hole. To delete a hole, move the cursor to the vicinity of the existing hole, and press F2 (mouse button 2). The hole will be deleted; a cross will be plotted over the hole. To insert a hole half-way between two existing holes, move the cursor to the vicinity of the first hole and press F3 (mouse button 3). Then repeat for the second hole. A new hole will be inserted half-way between the chosen holes (unless a hole already exists at this position). To query the position of holes and the distance between them, move the cursor to the vicinity of the first hole and press F4. Then repeat for the second hole. The location of each hole and the distance between the holes will be shown on the text screen. New holes will not have a hole identifier (BHID), and any grade fields will be set to absent data. |
DI |
If @DIMENU=0 (default) then the following procedure should be followed: Digitise new line or outline. If no reference points are in force, these will be requested. End by pressing 'End of Digitisation' digitiser button. If reference points have previously been entered: >>> REDIGITISE REFERENCE POINTS? <<< >CONFIRM ? > OK, ok, YES, yes, Y or y to redigitise points; <return> to continue with existing ones. DIGITISER TRANSFORMATION COMPUTATION Enter the coordinates of at least THREE points on the sheet to be digitised. Enter ! to the X prompt to terminate entry. Enter the coordinates of point 1 (Required) X Coord> Enter X coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value). Y Coord> Enter Y coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value). Enter the coordinates of point 2 (Required) X Coord> Enter X coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value). Y Coord> Enter Y coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value). Enter the coordinates of point 3 (Required) X Coord> Enter X coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value). Y Coord> Enter Y coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value). Enter the coordinates of point 4 (Optional) X Coord> Enter X coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value). Y Coord> Enter Y coordinate value. Default 0.00 (or previous value). Up to eight coordinates can be entered in the above form. Now digitise the reference points in the same order Point 1: X: X1REF coord Y: Y1REF coord Point 2: X: X2REF coord Y: Y2REF coord Point 3: X: X3REF coord Y: Y3REF coord Point 4: X: X4REF coord Y: Y4REF coord Up to eight points can be entered in the above form. DIGITISER TRANSFORMATION CONFIRMATION ------------------------------------- Actual Coordinates --- Computed Coordinates X Y X Y ERROR ------------------------------------------------- X1REF Y1REF X1COMP Y1COMP ERR1 X2REF Y2REF X2COMP Y2COMP ERR2 X3REF Y3REF X3COMP Y3COMP ERR3 X4REF Y4REF X4COMP Y4COMP ERR4 . . . . . . . . . . X8REF Y8REF X8COMP Y8COMP ERR8 ------------------------------------------------- Are these errors acceptable? >CONFIRM ? > Enter OK, ok, YES, yes, Y or y to start digitizing perimeter; N,n,NO,no to re-digitize the reference points. If @DIMENU=1, then the DIGITISER [/CD] command becomes the switch between cursor and digitizer input mode, and the user will be asked to define the location of the digitizer menu by digitizing the left-hand, then the right-hand registration marks. The user should fix the menu securely to the digitizer before doing this. The digitizer menu may be relocated at any time the digitizer is being used. There is a small fixed "menu", usually in the lower left-hand corner of the digitizer with boxes marked "LOCATE DATAMINE MENU"; "ERASE DATAMINE MENU" and "RESTORE DATAMINE MENU". Selecting the first of these, the user will be prompted to digitize the left-hand and right-hand menu registration points again. You may do this as often as required. Select the second of these boxes to erase temporarily the large DATAMINE menu (for example to digitize a string that runs behind the menu). Select the third of these boxes to restore the menu again. To begin digitization, choose the NEW PERIMETER [/BN] command from the digitizer menu. |
DP |
If @DIMENU=0 (default), then this command is used to define a new line or perimeter using the screen cursor. If there is an existing line or perimeter, the points are placed in a bank and may be used as part of the new line or perimeter. The command SNAP MODE [/EP] may be selected from within this command without exiting. This allows the use of function button F3 to either select a point from the bank (default), a point exactly on a line joining two bank points, or a segment of an existing perimeter or string. SNAP MODE [/EP] toggles between these three modes. As well as any previous perimeter, the bank points contain:- - The blast outline. If the DISPLAY STRINGS [/DD] command has been selected, or the PLOT CONTROL [/CL] command has been used to switch on these outlines, then in addition the bank contains:- - All previously stored perimeters. - Geology lines from the &GEOL file. This command is terminated by selecting a new command with the cursor (except for SNAP MODE [/EP]). During execution of this command, the function buttons have the following meaning:-
If @DIMENU=1 , then this command is used to digitise a perimeter using the cursor or digitizer depending upon the current cursor state. |
DU |
Screen dump to hard copy device (if available) |
EH |
Edit hole attributes. Allows holes to be selected with the cursor and their existing attributes displayed and changed. Valid only for holes in the &COLLARS file. |
EP |
Edit the current line or perimeter. Points may be added, deleted, or inserted. This command works in the same way as the NEW PERIMETER [/EN] command, except that the current line or perimeter is not deleted first. The current point is the last point on the line or perimeter on entry to this command. The command SNAP MODE [/EP] may be selected from within this command without exiting. This allows the use of function button F3 to either select a point from the bank (default), a point exactly on a line joining two bank points, or a segment of an existing perimeter or string. SNAP MODE [/EP] toggles between these three modes. As well as any previous perimeter, the bank points contain:- - The blast outline. If the DISPLAY STRINGS [/DD] command has been selected, then in addition the bank contains:- - Geology lines from the &GEOL file. During execution of this command, the function buttons have the following meaning:-
EX |
EXIT [/X] |
Exit from Blast Layout. If the blast-holes have not been saved, the prompt is:- >>> BLAST-HOLES NOT SAVED ON FILE <<< >>> SAVE? (Y, YES, OR OK TO SAVE) [N]<<< >CONFIRM ?> If the response is anything other than Y, y, YES, yes, OK or ok then LAYOUT is exited. The blast-holes will be written to the HOLES file before the process terminates. |
GB |
Gets a blast from the IN file and resets all values for processing a new blast. The required Bench and Blast number are requested; these become the current Bench and Blast and remain in force until a new GET BLAST OUTLINE [/FB] command is entered. The principal axis of the blast is determined, and the blast rotated so that this fits horizontally along the screen (or the user can specify an angle). Blast-holes may be filtered from the HOLES file through this blast into a temporary file TEMP$$$$ if required; the advantage of this is that it speeds up processing and ensures bar averaging only uses those holes within the blast. The blast is then centered on the screen and displayed. The prompts depend upon whether this is the first time that LAYOUT is entered, or whether a blast has already been chosen. In the latter case, the previous responses are remembered. This means that a blast can be re-loaded by simply pressing return to all questions. The prompts are:- SELECTION OF REQUIRED BLAST -------------------------------------------------- Enter one of the following:- ? <return> for a list of all blasts on file the required bench no, First request:- <return> for the first blast on the file Subsequent requests:- <return> for bench number 99999.9 >BENCH > Enter ? <return> for a list of all blasts; <return> to take the default; the bench number <return>. Enter the required blast number Subsequent requests:- or <return> for blast number 99999.9 >BLAST > This prompt is only given if a bench number was entered previously. Enter the required blast number, or <return> for the default. Select angle of blast for display:- Enter <return> for default angle of 99999 degrees Enter - for computed angle (major axis of the blast) of 99999 degrees anticlockwise from the horizontal,or Enter a new value (-360 to 360) >ANGLE > Enter either <return> to accept the default figure, - for the computed angle, or the required angle (-360 to 360). Please supply base-of-bench elevation, Enter - to take the bench number 99999 For subsequent requests:- or enter <return> to take previous base :99999.9 >Z VAL > Enter the elevation of the bottom of the bench; or - for the bench number; or <return> for the previous value. This is used to select all blast holes lying within the bench. Please supply bench height (>0) for this bench, For subsequent requests:- <return> will take height of 999.9 >HEIGHT> Enter the bench height, or <return> for the same bench height as before. This is used for volume calculations and for selecting blast-holes that lie within the bench. Do you want all blastholes for this bench, including those outside the blast (N), or do you want to filter blastholes inside the blast [Y] ? >[Y]/N > Enter N to use all blastholes on file. |
GH |
Get all holes from file for the current Bench and Blast. This command is automatically invoked following GET BLAST OUTLINE [/FB]. If there are already holes in the working array, the message is produced:- Previous holes not saved to file. Delete? >[N]/Y > If the response is not Y or y then the command is exited. All holes on file for the current Bench and Blast are then read into the working array. |
GP |
Gets a perimeter from the OUTLINES file. This allows an existing perimeter to be edited or used for limitation of blast-hole layout. >>> ENTER REQUIRED PERIMETER NUMBER <<< >VALUE > Enter required perimeter number. The selected perimeter then becomes the current outline, replacing any existing perimeter. |
HE |
HELP [/H] |
Provide help on commands. The help command will prompt you to select the command for which you require help. It then displays a description of the operation of that command. A quick-reference to all commands is as follows: |
[/C] |
[/CR] |
Refresh screen display |
[/CH] |
Display specific command help |
[/CF] |
Examine/change program defaults |
[/CL] |
Set display plot parameters |
[/CB] |
Set blast display parameters |
[/CD] |
Digitizer/Cursor input switch |
[/CC] |
Define a new set of digitizer reference points |
[/CP] |
Set snap mode |
[/CU] |
Switch between cursor and keyboard mode |
[/CA] |
Run a macro of commands |
[/CX] |
Exit from the process |
[/D] |
[/DR] |
Refresh screen display |
[/DZ] |
ZOOM in or out |
[/DH] |
Display specific command help |
[/DL] |
Set X-Y limits of display |
[/DC] |
Cut holes within perimeter |
[/DA] |
Annotate display |
[/DT] |
Title block display |
[/DD] |
Display composites and geology strings |
[/DS] |
Superimpose plot file |
[/E] |
[/ER] |
Refresh screen display |
[/EZ] |
ZOOM in or out |
[/EH] |
Display specific command help |
[/EN] |
Define new composite perimeter |
[/EG] |
Get outline perimeter from file |
[/ED] |
Edit current perimeter |
[/EW] |
Write current perimeter to file |
[/EP] |
Write current perimeter to file |
[/B] |
[/BR] |
Refresh screen display |
[/BZ] |
ZOOM in or out |
[/BH] |
Display specific command help |
[/BD] |
Define individual holes |
[/BT] |
Edit hole |
[/BE] |
List all holes |
[/BO] |
Edit orientation of holes within current perimeter |
[/BN] |
Number holes |
[/BP] |
Lay out selected hole pattern |
[/BU] |
Update hole patterns |
[/BS] |
Select hole pattern |
[/BM] |
Number hole samples |
[/F] |
[/FR] |
Refresh screen display |
[/FH] |
Display specific command help |
[/FO] |
Get holes from file |
[/FL] |
Write holes to file |
[/FG] |
Get outline perimeter from file |
[/FW] |
Write current perimeter to file |
[/FB] |
Get blast outline from IN file |
[/FM] |
Make plot file from display |
[/?] |
[/??] |
[/??] |
[/H] |
Get help on s specific command or display a list of commands |
[/X] |
Exit the process |
LH |
Lay down pattern of holes. The currently selected hole pattern is laid down within the Blast outline and within any current perimeter, parallel to a given line, and with the first point specified by cursor. If there is no currently selected pattern (true on entry to LAYOUT) then the message is displayed:- >>> No pattern selected - use SP <<< and LAY DOWN PATTERN [/BP] exited. Layout/Deletion of blast pattern ================================ The currently selected blast-hole pattern ( 1) will be laid down within the Blast Outline and within the current perimeter. Use SP to Select a new Pattern; DP to define/delete a perimeter. Any existing holes within this region will be replaced. Continue with deleting/laying down this blast pattern? >[Y]/N > Enter <return> to continue or N or n <return> to exit LAY DOWN PATTERN [/BP]. If there are any existing holes within the Blast (and any current perimeter) these will be deleted and the display refreshed. Now select a line with cursor button F3 defining the orientation of the rows. OR Specify two points with cursor button F1 defining the orientation of the rows. OR Select a command to exit hole layout. Either specify an existing line by moving the cursor into the vicinity of the line and pressing F3 (mouse button 3) or use F1 (mouse button 1) to specify two points defining a line. The rows of the blast-holes will be laid out parallel to this line. Specify a point with cursor button F1 for the first blasthole; OR Press cursor button F2 to respecify the line; OR Choose a new command to exit hole layout. The point chosen will be the first hole in the first row of the pattern (unless an offset is specified in the next question). Enter an offset distance from this point for the start of the first row. (+ve downwards, -ve upwards) >Distance > This offset distance will be for the first row from the point chosen. The distance is measured at right angles to the line of orientation. The holes will then be laid out into the Blast (and within any perimeter specified). Each hole will be identified with a cross. Note that holes will have no number (BHID); this may be supplied later by the NUMBER HOLES [/BN] command. Any grade fields will be set to absent data. |
LI |
List (display) all blast-holes in the working array. Listing of holes ================ To screen [S] or printer (P) ? >[S]/P > Enter <return> for a screen listing, or P or p to send a listing to the print device. After every 20 records, the message is produced:- >>> PRESS <RETURN> TO CONTINUE OR ! TO TERMINATE > Enter ! to terminate the listing. |
LS |
Lay out holes along a string. This is used for pre-split operations, or in cases where it is required to lay out holes at regular distances along a line. Pre-Split Hole Definition ========================= First define required string End string by reselecting LS A string may be defined in exactly the way done with the NEW PERIMETER [/EN] command, including use of the F3 button. Then this command is selected again. Enter the offset of the first hole from the first point of the string. >Offset of 1st hole?[0]> Enter the required start distance along the line for the first hole. Enter the required interval of pre-split holes (>0) >Hole interval > Enter the required distance between holes. Do you want to displace string for another line of pre-split holes ?. >[N]/Y > Enter Y to displace string a given distance and lay out more holes. If the response way Y:- Do you want to move the string to the right or left, looking in the direction that it was defined ? >[R]/L > Enter R for right, L for Left. >Displacement (>0) ? > Enter the required displacement. The string will be moved the given distance, and then a new set of holes can be laid out. |
NH |
Number holes. There are two modes of operation. The first is an automatic one; the holes within the entire blast are sorted on -Y and X (i.e. from the top to the bottom of the screen as shown) and then numbered in sequence. The second method is manual, in which holes are selected in the desired sequence by cursor. Hole numbering ============== Do you want Automatic numbering [A] or to specify the order Manually (M) or by distance from a defined string (S) ? >[A]/M/S > Enter <return> for automatic numbering or M or m <return> for manual numbering, or S or s <return> for numbering by distance from a selected string. For automatic numbering, there is no further input. For manual numbering (M) :- Enter first hole number required (1-9999) [1] >Number> Enter required number >0, or <return> to use 1. Select each hole in turn with cursor (F1) Delete last selection with F2 End by selecting new command. Select the holes in turn with the cursor (F1 or mouse button 1). The number will increment by 1 each time. To delete the LAST SELECTION ONLY, press F2. End by selecting a new command with the cursor. For numbering by distance from a string (S) :- Numbering by distance from a string =================================== First define the string with cursor End by reselecting the NH command. A string may be defined in exactly the way done with the NEW PERIMETER [/EN] command, including use of the F3 button. Then this command is selected again. Define a tolerance distance to be used in assigning holes to rows. Typically this is approximately the mean row spacing. >Tol[5]> Enter a tolerance factor, default 5. This is necessary because holes are sorted by their distance at right angles to the entered string, and then numbered by this sort distance. If exact distances were taken then holes in the same row would not be numbered in sequence. The distances are therefore rounded to Tol units before sorting. Note that distances are computed from the ends of the string if there is no vertical intersection possible. Unless you want holes to be numbered radially about the ends of the string, extend the string so that there is a possible vertical intersection for each hole onto the string. |
NS |
Number samples. Allows the first sample number and the number of samples for each hole to be set. Valid only if the fields NSAMP and SNFIRST exist in the &COLLARS file. |
OH |
Orient the holes within the current perimeter. Allows the bearing, dip and length of the holes to be set. Valid only if the fields BRG, DIP and HLENGTH exist in the &COLLARS file. |
PA |
Refresh screen display. |
PC |
Plot control. This enables the user to control many aspects of what is shown on the screen. The options shown below are those in force on entry to the process. The defaults for each option choice are those currently in force. PLOTTING DISPLAY CONTROL ------------------------ 1) WORKING HOLES DISPLAYED [ALL WORKING HOLES] 2) DISPLAY OF STORED HOLES IN FILE : [NONE] 3) PLOT PERIMETERS IN OUTLINE FILE [OFF] 4) PLOT PERIMETERS IN GEOLOGY FILE [OFF] 5) PLOT PERIMETERS IN BLAST OUTLINE FILE [CURRENT] 6) PLOT PERIMETER/STRING IDS [CENTRE] 7) TEXT PLOTTING [ON] 8) SUPERIMPOSED PLOT FILES DRAWN [LAST] 9) RETURN TO MAIN PROCESS >OPTION [ 9]> Enter 1-9, or <return> to exit. For Option 1:- SET WHICH WORKING HOLES TO DISPLAY : 1) ALL WORKING HOLES 2) CURRENT BLAST ONLY >OPTION [ 1]> Enter 1-2, or <return> for default. For Option 2:- SET WHICH STORED HOLES TO DISPLAY : 1) NONE 2) ALL HOLES ON CURRENT BENCH 3) ALL HOLES ON CURRENT BENCH, WITH ALL HOLES ON THE BENCH ABOVE 4) ALL HOLES ON CURRENT BENCH, WITH HOLES ON THE BENCH ABOVE, INSIDE THE CURRENT BENCH OUTLINE >OPTION [ 1]> Enter 1-4, or <return> for default. For Option 3:- SET DISPLAY OF PERIMETERS IN OUTLINE FILE : 1) OFF 2) ON >OPTION [ 1]> Enter 1-2, or <return> for default. For Option 4:- SET DISPLAY OF PERIMETERS IN GEOLOGY FILE : 1) OFF 2) ON >OPTION [ 1]> Enter 1-2, or <return> for default. For Option 5:- SET DISPLAY OF BLAST PERIMETERS : 1) CURRENT 2) ALL 3) NONE >OPTION [ 1]> Enter 1,2 or 3, or <return> for default. For Option 6:- SET DISPLAY POSITION OF PERIMETER/STRING IDS : 1) TOP (HIGHEST POINT) 2) NONE 3) CENTRE 4) BOTTOM (LOWEST POINT) 5) FIRST POINT 6) LAST POINT >OPTION [ 3]> Enter 1-6, or <return> for default. Note that with Option 3, string identifiers (e.g. geology lines) will always be shown on the screen provided that at least one point is on the screen. For Option 7:- SET TEXT DISPLAY (EXCEPT PERIMETER IDS) : 1) OFF 2) ON >OPTION [ 2]> Enter 1-2, or <return> for default. For Option 8:- SUPERIMPOSED PLOT FILES DRAWN : 1) LAST 2) FIRST >OPTION [ 1]> Enter 1-2, or <return> for default. This applies to a plot file set up in the DEFAULTS [/CF] command as a permanent file to be superimposed. If LAST is selected, this file will be plotted after the display is refreshed. If FIRST is selected, the is will be plotted before the normal screen display. |
PL |
Make a plot file of the screen display. >>> PLEASE SUPPLY PLOT FILE NAME >DATAMINE FILENAME? > Enter plot file name. |
PP |
Plot all perimeters on screen and any geology lines. This command acts as a toggle; the first time it is used, it turns on permanent plotting of perimeters and geology lines. The next use turns these off, and refreshes the screen. Once this command has been entered, the first 1200 points from the perimeter and the geology files that lie within the screen area are entered into the bank for use by an EDIT PERIMETER [/ED] or NEW PERIMETER [/EN] command. |
RF |
Define a new set of digitizer reference points (and recalculate the transformation coefficients). This command may be used at any time to redefine the location of the drawing on the digitizer; for example to move on to a new sheet. Details of the operation of this command are given with the description of the DIGITISER [/CD] command. Note that this command allows for new drawings or movements in the plane of the drawing. If you are positioning a drawing from another (or parallel) plane, you MUST indicate the change of view by selecting the RESET LIMITS [/DL] command first. |
RU |
Run a macro from a system file containing a set of commands for the LAYOUT process. Macros may not be nested, unless the final command in each is RU. RUN A MACRO OF INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS COMMANDS ============================================ The macro must only contain valid commands and their data. Nesting is not permitted. Enter the name of the system file to execute >SYSFILE> The system file name (up to 56 chars) containing the macro. |
SD |
Set blast-hole display parameters. The previous values entered are remembered as the defaults for the next time this command is used (with the exception of the Y/N questions). >>> Select Symbol from the following: >>> 1 - Open Circle >>> 2 - + >>> 3 - X >>> 4 - Open triangle >>> 5 - Filled Square >>> Default is [5] |
>Symbol > |
Enter 1-5 or <return> for default. |
>>> Specify Symbol Size in mm [99.9] |
>Size > |
Enter size (>0<50) in mm or <return> for default. |
>>> Do you want Annotation beside the Symbol [Y]/N ? |
>[Y]/N > |
Enter N or n for no annotation. |
If annotation is required, then the following prompts are given:- >>> Field for Annotation ? [AAAAAAAA] |
>Field > |
Enter required field name or <return> for the previous field. If the field chosen does not exist, a list of available fields willbe shown, and the question repeated. |
>>> Character Size for Annotation ? [99.9] |
>Size > |
Enter required character size in mm (>0<50), or <return>for the previous size. |
>>> X and Y Offsets in mm ? [99.9,99.9] |
>X > |
Enter the mm offset required on the screen X axis between the symbol centre and the annotation start, or <return> for the previous value. |
>Y > |
Enter the mm offset required on the screen Y axis between the symbol centre and the annotation start or <return for the previous value. |
>>> Number of Decimal Places ? [9] |
>NDP > |
Enter the required number of decimal places, or <return> for the previous number. |
>>> Do you want the annotation field to be a different colour depending on another field ? |
>[N]/Y > |
Enter Y if you do. |
If Y was entered, then you can make the annotation one of two colors; the default color below a given value of a field you will specify, or another color above or equal to this field value. >>> Field for Differentiation [AAAAAAAA] |
>Field > |
Enter the required field name, or <return> to take the previous value. If the field does not exist, a list of available fields will be shown, and the question repeated. |
>>> Enter value of this field above or equal to >>> which the colour will change. >>> This is an alphanumeric field [AAAA] OR >>> This is a numeric field [999999999.99] |
>Value > |
Enter the required value, or <return> to take the previous value. |
>>> Required Colour ? [99] |
>Colour> |
Enter the required color, or <return> to take the previous color. |
If automatic shading is in force, and the field is numeric and not all absent data, then the range will be divided over the first 12 shades. An attempt is made to choose reasonable starting points and intervals. If automatic shading is not in force, or all values are the same or absent data, then the user will be prompted for required colors and ranges:- >>> ENTER FIELD NAME |
>FIELD > |
Field name to be shaded. |
There are two modes of operation, depending on the default selected (see DEFAULTS [/CF]). On entry, or if manual shading has been selected in DEFAULTS [/CF], or the field is alpha, or numeric but all absent data, then: A palette of shades is shown. One is selected by cursor, and the user is prompted:- |
>FROM > |
The lower bound for this shade. |
>TO > |
The upper bound. |
BLASTHOLE DISPLAY [/CB] is terminated by selecting another command (e.g. REDRAW [/DR]) with the cursor. For macro or keyboard entry, the prompt CODE precedes the FROM. The required code number (1-5, 1126-1140) is entered. 0 terminates. |
SM |
Selects the mode of operation of function button F3 during the NEW PERIMETER [/EN] and EDIT PERIMETER [/ED] commands. On entry, function button 3 will select the nearest point from the point bank; this is known as point mode. If this command is selected, then the message:- Button 3 will snap to lines is shown, and line mode is entered. In line mode, function button 3 will choose a point that lies nearest to the cursor, but on a line joining two connected bank points. Selecting this command again will change to Segment mode. The message shown is:- Button 3 will snap to all segments between points Select first, intermediate, then last points with F3 F3 is then used to choose the first point on an existing perimeter or string. This point defines the line that will be used. Now select with F3 central point defining direction (F2 to abandon) The second point is then selected with F3. This point defines the direction to take on the perimeter/string between the first and third points. Only points on the same line as the first point will be chosen. Now select last point with F3 (F2 to abandon) The third point is then selected with F3. This point is the final point on the perimeter/string to be included in the perimeter. All points between the first and the third, passing through the second, will then be added into the perimeter following the current point. Selecting this command again will change back again to point mode, and the following message is shown:- Button 3 will snap to points This command may be chosen within the NEW PERIMETER [/EN] or EDIT PERIMETER [/ED] commands without exiting. |
SP |
Select blast-hole pattern for use in LAY DOWN PATTERN [/BP] command. All patterns are first shown on the graphics screen. A maximum of twelve patterns may be defined. If there are no patterns on file, a message is displayed:- >>> No patterns on file - use UP to define <<< and SP is exited. Otherwise selection may take place. Selection of blast-hole pattern =============================== Enter required pattern number [ 1] >Number> Enter required number >0, or <return> to use 1.
The selected pattern number remains in force until changed with a new SELECT PATTERN [/BS] command. |
SU |
Superimpose an existing plot file. The data area of the plot file will be scaled to fit the current window. >DATAMINE FILENAME? > Enter name of plot file. This command plots the given name once. See the DEFAULTS [/CF] command for permanent plotting. |
TI |
Set title above plot. The prompt is:- >>> PLEASE INPUT A TITLE UP TO NN CHARACTERS LONG >TITLE > Enter title. Blank or ! to remove a previous title. The number of characters NN in the title is a function of character size. This title will replace the pre-defined title giving the Bench and Blast numbers. Use REDRAW [/DR] to re-draw after using this command. |
UP |
Update blast-hole pattern on file. This command may be used to add new patterns or change existing ones. First all existing patterns are shown on the graphics screen. Addition/Modification of Blast Patterns ======================================= Enter the pattern number (1-12) you wish to define. If this pattern exists, it will be overwritten. If it does not exist, it will be added. Enter <return> to terminate UP. |
>Number> |
Enter a pattern number (1-12) or <return> to terminate UP. |
Entry of new blast pattern number nn ==================================== Patterns are entered row by row as shown below: ------------------------------- | |--XS1--x-d1-x x x Row 1 | d2 |---XS2----x x x x Row 2
Where XS values are the distance from the left of the pattern start to the first hole; d1 is the X spacing between holes and d2 is the Y spacing between rows. Up to 5 different rows are permitted. The pattern repeats after all rows have been entered. First enter the X spacing (between holes) and the Y spacing (between rows). |
>X Spacing > |
Enter a spacing (>0). |
>Y Spacing > |
Enter a row spacing (>0). |
Enter row number and X offset of first hole:- End by giving a Row of zero |
>Row > |
Enter row number, starting with 1 (max 5). You may re-enter a previously entered row by specifying its number again. Do not leave out row numbers (e.g. do not give rows 1 and 3 without 2). End with 0. |
>X Dist> |
Enter the offset for this row. Row 1 should normally have an offset of 0. |
These last two prompts are repeated until a row of 0 is entered. Enter an up to 16 character description |
>Descript'n> |
This description will be entered into the PATTERNS file and displayed whenever the new pattern is shown by SELECT PATTERN [/BS] or UPDATE PATTERN [/BU]. |
The new (or modified) pattern will then be written to the PATTERNS file. All patterns are then shown on the screen and the first prompt repeated. Enter <return> to exit UPDATE PATTERN [/BU]. |
WB |
Write current perimeter as new Blast Outline to the Blast Perimeters file (&IN). BLAST OUTLINE DEFINED FOR BENCH 99999 IF YOU DEFINE A BLAST NUMBER FOR WHICH THERE IS ALREADY AN ENTRY IN THE BLAST OUTLINE FILE, THE PREVIOUS ENTRY WILL BE DELETED Enter blast number Current value is :- 9999999.99 Enter <return> or 0 to accept this >VALUE > Enter required number.
The current perimeter will be written to the Blast Outline file, and will overwrite any existing entry for the same BENCH and PVALUE (blast) in that file. Note that the BLAST field (if it exists on the Blast Outline file) will be set to the PVALUE field value. |
WH |
Write current perimeter to the &OUTLINES file.
Enter unique number for this perimeter Current value is :- 9999999.99 Enter <return> or 0 to accept this >VALUE > Enter required number.
The perimeter will be written to the OUTLINES file. Any entry with the same Bench, Blast and value (PVALUE) will be overwritten. The PTYPE field will be set to 1. |
WP |
Write current perimeter to the &OUTLINES file.
Enter unique number for this perimeter Current value is :- 9999999.99 Enter <return> or 0 to accept this >VALUE > Enter required number.
The perimeter will be written to the OUTLINES file. Any entry with the same Bench, Blast and value (PVALUE) will be overwritten. The PTYPE field will be set to 1. |
XY |
Set X-Y limits of screen display.
>>> SET DISPLAY LIMITS >XMIN > Min X value. >XMAX > Max X value. >YMIN > Min Y value. >YMAX > Max Y value. These limits are specified in terms of the user co-ordinate system, not the screen co-ordinate system, even if the user co-ordinate system is rotated with respect to the screen. |
ZO |
Zoom in or out. The user will be prompted first to identify with the screen cursor the bottom left hand corner of the area required:
Pick lower left corner of new window, or select "ZOOM" again for previous view. Once this point has been identified, it will be highlighted with large cross-hairs on the display, and the user will be prompted to identify the top right hand corner of the new window :- Pick upper right corner of new window, or select "ZOOM" again for previous view. |
Main (F1) |
Define current cursor position, and show values of the hole nearest to which the cursor lies. Within NEW PERIMETER [/BN] and EDIT PERIMETER [/BD]: add point to perimeter following current point at cursor location. |
Second (F2) |
Within NEW PERIMETER [/BN] and EDIT PERIMETER [/BD]: delete current point. |
Third (F4) |
Define current perimeter point as that closest to cursor. |
Fourth (F3) |
Return control to keyboard. Within NEW PERIMETER [/BN] and EDIT PERIMETER [/BD]: add bank point closest to cursor to perimeter following current point (Snap Mode is points); or add a point exactly on a connected line (Snap Mode is lines); or add a set of points from a perimeter/string (Snap Mode is segments). |
F1-F4 refer to keyboard function keys (or their equivalent mouse or digitizer puck buttons).
In Datamine applications, the F10 key swaps between the alpha and the graphics screen and / key swaps between the graphics and text screens; in addition, the commands within each interactive menu may be typed on the keyboard using the highlighted single character 'hot' key (in cursor mode) as an alternative to placing the cursor over the box for the command, or group of commands, and pressing F1.
In your application, the numeric keypad is used to move the cursor. The step size is halved each time - is pressed and doubled each time + is pressed.
Input Files
Name |
Description |
I/O Status |
Required |
Type |
IN |
Blast outline for composite design. The file must contain the fields:- XP,YP,ZP,PTN,PVALUE (numeric, explicit). It may also contain the field BENCH; if it does not contain this field, all bench numbers will be taken as 1. The PVALUE field contains a Blast number. The file may contain many blasts; one is selected at the start of the process. |
Input |
Yes |
String |
Input/output text file for text added to the drawing. If this file does not exist, it will be created. If it does exist, it must have the fields BENCH, BLAST, COMPOSIT, XT, YT, ANGLE, CHARSIZE, ASPRAT, (all numeric) and TEXT (40 characters). Any existing text in the file for the current bench and blast will be plotted on the screen. |
Overwritten |
Yes |
Undefined |
Input/output perimeters. If this file does not exist, it will be created. It must contain the fields XP, YP, ZP, PTN, PVALUE, P, PTYPE, BENCH, BLAST. The PVALUE field will contain the perimeter number. Any perimeter defined with the DIGITISER [/CD] or NEW PERIMETER [/EN] commands may be written to the OUTLINES file by the WRITE PERIMETER [/FW] command. Perimeters will be overwritten if they match the perimeter number (PVALUE) of the perimeter being written. |
Overwritten |
Yes |
String |
Input/output pattern file. If this file does not exist, it will be created. It must contain the fields ROW, XS, XSPACING, YSPACING, PATTERN (all numeric) and PATTEXT (16 character alphanumeric).
Overwritten |
Yes |
Undefined |
Input/output collars file. Fields required are XCOLLAR, YCOLLAR, ZCOLLAR, BENCH, BLAST and BHID (A/N). Additional fields used if available are BRG, DIP, HLENGTH, PATTERN, NSAMP and SNFIRST. If this file does not exist it will be created with all the above fields. At least one of the COLLARS or HOLES files must be specified. |
Overwritten |
No |
Undefined |
Blast hole samples file. Fields required are X, Y, Z and BHID (A/N). Additional fields used if available are BENCH, BLAST, A0, B0, LENGTH, SAMPLE, FROM and TO. If this file does not exist it will be created with all the above fields. If it contains any grade values, these may be displayed either numerically or by colour besides each blast-hole. This file will be written to by the WRITE BLAST HOLES [/FL] command. If any entries exist on the file for the current Bench and Blast they will first be overwritten. If the BENCH and BLAST fields do not exist, then all entries will be deleted before the new holes are written. At least one of the COLLARS or HOLES files must be specified. |
Overwritten |
No |
Undefined |
Geological boundaries. This file must contain the fields X,Y,Z,PTN and PVALUE. The values are assumed to be (unclosed) strings rather than perimeters. Any strings on this file may be plotted over the blast. |
Input |
No |
String |
Name |
Description |
Required |
Default |
Range |
Values |
Coordinate verification mode, controls the prompting for coordinates in the LAY DOWN PATTERN [/BP] and DEFINE HOLE [/BD] commands.
No |
0 |
0,1 |
0,1 |
Coordinate type:
No |
0 |
0,1 |
0,1 |
For COORDTYP=1 only; the LO Y co-ordinate origin [including - sign] for internal co-ordinate conversion. |
No |
Undefined |
Undefined |
Undefined |
For COORDTYP=1 only; the LO X co-ordinate origin for internal co-ordinate conversion. |
No |
Undefined |
Undefined |
Undefined |
Colour for horizontal axis lines; these are X axis lines [ COORDTYP=0] or LO Y lines [ COORDTYP=1] (8). |
No |
8 |
1,64 |
Undefined |
Colour for vertical axis lines; these are Y axis lines [ COORDTYP=0] or LO X lines [ COORDTYP=1] (10). |
No |
10 |
1,64 |
Undefined |
Character size for display in mm (3). |
No |
3 |
Undefined |
Undefined |
Toggle between cursor and digitiser mode.
No |
0 |
0,1 |
0,1 |
Process Syntax
Error and Warning Messages
Message |
Description |
&IN file must contain the fields XP, YP, ZP, PTN, PVALUE (numeric, explicit). Fatal; the process is exited. |
At least one of the &COLLARS or the &HOLES file must be specified. Fatal; the process is exited. |
&COLLARS file (if specified) must contain the fields XCOLLAR, YCOLLAR, ZCOLLAR, BENCH, BLAST and BHID (A/N). Fatal; the process is exited. |
*HOLES file (if specified) must contain the fields X, Y, Z and BHID (A/N). Fatal; the process is exited. |
&TEXT file must contain the fields BENCH, BLAST, COMPOSIT, XT, YT, ANGLE, CHARSIZE, ASPRAT, (all numeric) and TEXT (40 characters). Fatal; the process is exited. |
&OUTLINES file must contain the fields XP, YP, ZP, PTN, PVALUE, P, PTYPE, BENCH, BLAST. fatal; the process is exited. |
&PATTERNS file must contain the fields ROW, XS, XSPACING, YSPACING, PATTERN (all numeric) and PATTEXT (16 character alphanumeric). Fatal; the process is exited. |
&GEOL file must contain the fields X, Y, Z, PTN and PVALUE. Fatal; the process is exited. Not available without a COLLARS file. |
>>> No holes to remove <<< |
No holes to cut have been found inside or outside the perimeter. the command is exited. |
---- Warning - perimeter is malformed ---- |
Defined current perimeter is malformed. |
--- Perimeter unacceptable. You may
either re-edit or discard it ---- |
Defined current perimeter is still malformed. |
>>> No holes on file for this blast <<< |
No holes have been found for the current bench and blast. The command is exited. |
The perimeter specified is not in the &OUTLINES file. The prompt for perimeter number is reissued. |
>>> No holes to list <<< |
No holes to list were found in the working array. the command is exited. |
>>> No patterns on file - use UP to define <<< |
No patterns were found in the &PATTERNS file. The command is exited. |
>>> Pattern not on file <<<
The pattern number specified does not exist in the &PATTERNS file. The prompt is reissued. |
An invalid blast value has been specified. The user is prompted again for the blast. |
The command is exited. |
The command is exited. |
>>> No holes to edit <<< |
No holes in the &COLLARS file have been found to edit or the &COLLARS file has not been specified. The command is exited. |
>>> No holes to number <<< |
The command is exited. |
>>> Missing orientation fields <<< >>> Invalid azimuth <<< >>> Invalid dip <<< >>> Holes do not intersect bench - HLENGTH not set. |
The command is exited |
>>> Only row numbers in the range 1 to 5 permitted
The row number prompt is reissued. |